Archives for May 2016

Infusionsoft Secret Sauce: Part One – Identify Your Target Market


Every Infusionsoft user wants to know the secret to success with Infusionsoft. Every digital marketing guru says they have the recipe to make the Infusionsoft Secret Sauce. Even Infusionsoft says they can teach it to you at Infusionsoft University. Both the guru and the Infusionsoft experts will gladly take your money to teach it to you. Yes – Viral Solutions would be one of those. However, that may not be the solution you need.

The secret sauce to successful use of Infusionsoft, or any other SaaS automated marketing platform, does not contain tactical marketing knowledge as its key ingredient. The most successful users of Infusionsoft are smart digital marketers that have a defined strategy. They do not start with a bunch of widgets, gadgets, plugins, API or other integration tools in order to succeed at digital marketing. They start with strategy, not with tactics!

How Do You Happy? – Marketing Simplicity at Its Best: The genius behind simplicity. This was a simple question. A question that makes the user stop and think. A question that may connect the user to well. . . . .CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE to read more by Dr. Katie Doseck, MBA

This blog article is part one of a series. Here we will discuss the secret to digital marketing success, that is so simple, anyone can put it in place.

Here is how you avoid paying tens of thousands of dollars going to seminars, live events, paid webinars and corporate universities in order to be successful with digital marketing while using Infusionsoft as one of your tools.

Infusionsoft Secret Sauce: The Key Ingredient

Identify your target market: All successful large corporations, that have a great marketing message, do not create a product or service and then go find an audience to sell it to. All successful entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and small business owners, that have a great marketing message, do not create a product or service and then go find an audience to sell it to. They start by rigidly defining their target market.

Five Questions to Answer:

  1. Who is my perfect prospective client or customer? Think about the easiest close you ever had with your product or service. That one person that needed your core offer, that took little effort to close, that has been your customer a long time. Who are they? List their demographics and other details you have gathered about them over time. Factors you may consider are age, gender, ethnicity, zip code they reside in, degree of education, marital status, job title, occupation, home ownership status and more. List anything that can define your perfect prospective customer demographically. Caution – make this list as tight as possible. Be careful not to get too broad here. You can always widen your target. Example: If you list their age as 35 – 55, you need to rethink that demographic. Why? That is two distinctly different generations. They do not think alike very often!
  2. What is their problem, their pain and what do they rally behind? Jeffrey Gittomer once said, that people do not like to be sold, but they love to buy! The majority of people buy a product or service based upon emotion and they need to solve a problem that is hurting. Here you want to list those problems and pain points. The secret here is to list them from their perspective and not from your solution vantage point. Sorry to say, sad to report – at this stage nobody cares about your offer.
  3. What do they like to do and where can they be found? Think of both the physical and electronic worlds. An example of the physical world would be clubs, associations, conventions and personal venues like restaurants and vacation locations. An example of the electronic world would be Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and SnapChat.
  4. How do they educate themselves? What are their sources of information? Very few people make decisions off the top of their head or based purely on gut feel. They read, study, ask around or formally educate themselves. These resources help them analyze and quantify their problem so they can evaluate what it will take to solve it in such a way that the result is positive cash flow.
  5. What are their core values? When core values do not align, you and your customer will not get along. It is rarely your product or service that causes a bad client relationship. When you list your customers core values, think of those that relate to the business world. Such as respecting your staff, treating you as a professional and valuing your time. Yes this goes both ways. But the key here is to try and avoid that relationship that is based upon somebody being used as a puppet. Here you may even list the questions you are asked before your prospect pulls the buying trigger. Those questions tend to point to their values and what is most important to them personally and professionally. Example, if they ask for testimonials and social proof then they are not an early adopter of an unproven product or service and being a part of a successful brand or offer is very important. In this example, trust is a key core value.


In our next article on The Secret Sauce to Successful use of Infusionsoft, we will define your target markets problem. Their pain. Their needs. Their goals. Their chaos. See a pattern with that list? Do you see your service listed?

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Reference Links for Infusionsoft Secret Sauce Articles:

Copyright 2016 Viral Solutions LLC

by Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer

digital marketer certified partner

We help overwhelmed small business owners duplicate themselves – so business can be fun again.
Viral Solutions LLC is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner, an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant, a Google Partner – Certified in AdWords.





Filed Under: Tools & Technology

Basic Digital Marketing Metrics to Consider


Important Metrics for Measuring Customer Satisfaction on Social Media: As social media marketing becomes more sophisticated, it’s important that you’re doing everything you can to track its success. You’ve probably heard all about engagement metrics, like “likes,” “comments,” “shares” and more, but these are all very surface-level metrics. How can you analyze your social media marketing campaign to make sure that your customers are truly coming away having had a satisfying experience?

When so much can be measured using digital marketing metrics, it’s not always easy to know which metrics to focus on. You want to make sure your money is being invested wisely and also make sure you’re attracting new clients. To examine whether your digital marketing budget is working for you, examine whether your business goals are being satisfied by focusing on a few key metrics. This will help you indicate if your campaign is working.

  1. Traffic hits opting into your lead generation piece. It’s often the first impression a consumer has of your company, so whether or not you are acquiring conversions from the site is a vital component to measure. How are visitors arriving at your site? Do you send newsletters? Post on social media? Banner ads? Once a visitor arrives at your website, it should be your goal to get them to act — by answering a survey, sharing on social media, or signing up for your newsletter, the consumer engages with your brand. When they act, they are more likely to convert into a useful lead. To measure this, your Landing Page Conversion Rate (LPCR), you’ll divide the number of visitors who clicked through one of your “lead capture forms” (social media, newsletter, etc.) by the number of users who visit your site. A good conversion rate is between 2%-9% (depending on industry, offer and targeting within your traffic source) . Anything above that is outstanding.
  2. Investing in new clients. It’s true that it takes money to make money, but do you really know how much it’s costing you to acquire new customers? It’s not sustainable to spend more on your digital marketing efforts than a client will “give back” in revenue. By determining your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), you’ll be able to see if your marketing efforts are worthwhile. Calculate your CAC by dividing the sum of your marketing and sales efforts by the number of new clients you get during the time of your digital campaign. Make sure to include the price of salaries along with your marketing and sales budget to get an accurate amount. Now, compare your CAC to your CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).
  3. Traffic cop. Are you paying attention to where your site visitors are coming from? Are there certain platforms that produce more visitors to your site than others? Determine if your visitors are coming from email marketing, social media, or organic/paid platforms to see if you’re using them to your advantage. One method to consider is having more than one landing page that serves the varied interests of your consumer. Companies with multiple landing pages have seen up to a 55% increase in leads, according to research. A consumer is more likely to convert when your page makes offers geared toward their specific interest.

Work with Viral Solutions to obtain greater digital marketing success for your company.

Copyright 2016 Viral Solutions LLC

by Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer

We help overwhelmed small business owners duplicate themselves – so business can be fun again.
Viral Solutions LLC is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner, an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant, a Google Partner – Certified in AdWords and a Mobit Certified Partner.




Filed Under: Business Tips

Customer Acquisition – 3 Things to Consider


Business startups require customers. How you acquire and retain those customers is essential to the growth and longevity of your company. This is an important balancing act that you will have to learn to master in order to stay ahead of the game.

Customer Acquisition – 3 Things to Consider

customer acquisitionGet yourself prepared

Be sure that your product is ready for market. Before you can attract consumers your product must be free of any kinks or flaws. You will be wasting money and most likely deterring customers from future business with your company if there are major problems with your product. We all know that nothing is perfect, in the heat of the moment little things slip through the cracks. Have a support team in place to politely handle customer complaints to minimize loss in loyalty. Next sit down and decide on what resources you will use for marketing. Make a list, and remember to be detailed in these three points: assessing progress, be on top of the schedule, and how many employees are necessary for each task.

Get a feel for what your CAC might be

Your CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) is how much you’ve spent on sales and marketing per certain amount of time, divided by how many customers you gained in that time. CAC will help you realize the potential of your marketing plan. You will understand how much revenue you can generate and if it will be enough for expansion. Estimating your CAC depends on the product or service you are selling. From your business plan you should have a rough idea of the market you will be competing in and with that data draw an estimate of how many customers you could possibly gain.

Balance your company’s CAC and LTV

One of the most important factors in growing a business isn’t just acquiring customers, its keeping them for the long hall. LTV (Long Term Value of a customer) is the amount of business you expect from a client over a certain period of time. Balancing the CAC and LTV is the key to growing your business. A good balance to shoot for would be three times as much LTV than CAC. Because you have more LTV, you can cover the costs of gaining new customers. Keeping this balance is key to succeeding and growing your business.

Remember to always be prepared, have your product and team ready to satisfy and keep your customers. Estimate your CAC and once you have customers, do the right things to keep them coming back in order to recover CAC and make a profit.

Contact us today at Viral Solutions for more lead generation tips!

Copyright 2016 Viral Solutions LLC

by Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer

We help overwhelmed small business owners duplicate themselves – so business can be fun again.
Viral Solutions LLC is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner, an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant, a Google Partner – Certified in AdWords and a Mobit Certified Partner.




Filed Under: Business Tips