Infusionsoft Secret Sauce: Part Two – Pain, Problem and Solution


Infusionsoft is an excellent tool if your goal is to get organized, be more structured, be more effective, sell more, earn more, educate your audience and close more deals. WHEW! Disclosure: That is not as easy as it sounds and takes more than a piece of software to actually achieve. The key here in part two of Infusionsoft Secret Sauce, is to empathize with your audience. By that I mean: Their problem. Their pain. Their needs. Their goals. Their chaos.

See a common thread in that list?

Most people seek solutions to problems they cannot solve themselves. However, the best customers cannot only solve their problem without your solutions, they also have a need to get rid of the problem and the pain that goes with it. Sounds logical right? Not so fast! Without the pain your offering is just a product or an implementation service.

Here we talk about your need to identify those pains in advance. How to tie that to your buyer persona / avatar, which you identified here.  

In our previous article, we discussed that one of the keys to success was the demographic definition of your perfect prospective customer. See Identify your target market. This blog article is part one of this series.

REMINDER: The secret sauce to successful use of Infusionsoft, or any other SaaS automated marketing platform, does not contain tactical marketing knowledge as its key ingredient. The most successful users of Infusionsoft are smart digital marketers that have a defined strategy. They do not start with a bunch of widgets, gadgets, plugins, API or other integration tools in order to succeed at digital marketing. They start with strategy, not with tactics!

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Here is how you avoid paying tens of thousands of dollars going to seminars, live events, paid webinars and corporate universities in order to be successful with digital marketing while using Infusionsoft as one of your tools.

Infusionsoft Secret Sauce: Pain, Problem and Solution

infusionsoft secret sauce
We have helped clients in a number of industries to dramatically improve their digital marketing results over the years. Since our founding, we have been featured in the New York Times and the Huffington Post and have become a certified partner of both Infusionsoft and Digital Marketer. Feeling overwhelmed? We help overwhelmed small business owners duplicate themselves – so business can be FUN again.

Know your avatar's pain, problems and solutions – the solutions ‘they' believe are in line with their objectives: All successful large corporations, that have a great marketing message, do not create a product or service and then go find an audience to sell it to. They start by rigidly defining their target market, then they know what that target's problems are. They fully understand that these problems are so painful to their prospects organization that they are seeking an outside solution. One that will help them achieve their objectives.

Answer these four questions from the perspective of your perfect prospective customer.


  1. What are their challenges? Here you want to list how they perceive the challenges they have, not what you think they are, that comes later. Their challenges could be micro-economic, human resource, rapid growth or their offer is like a commodity – examples to draw from. The point being, you need to dig deep. When you ask this question, the initial responses will be surface answers. You need the root cause! Example: High employee turnover is their challenge. Keep asking why until you get to the root cause. Such as, the CEO is unreasonable or perhaps they only have a small rural market to draw from.
  2. What are their pain points? When Viral Solutions spends a day on-site in a new client Strategic Planning Session, we often spend hours just on this question. Executing on great marketing strategy has this as the hub – you will find that as you follow this series. Back to finding those pain points. Again perspective is critical – make sure what is listed here is from the perspective of the prospective client you are trying to market. Examples: Cost of acquiring a new customer. Rejection by banks and capital markets. Sales growth has caused inventory control problems.
  3. When the solution is presented what are the typical objections? Excuses are usually a cover. Here the typical list is cost, quality or timing. Those could very well be legitimate. However, thirty years of face-to-face and digital sales tells me they translate to – “I am not sure you are the solution we are seeking.” Instead spin the objection into a question. Connect the pain to a viable benefit that adds to their objectives. Yes – their objectives! What are they seeking? What do they expect for an outcome? Your marketing plan needs to call those out before you attempt to move them to BOFU (bottom of the funnel) status.
  4. What role should your perfect prospect have in the decision? In a perfect world your perfect prospective client is the decision maker and can “write the check”. Does anyone still use checks? Anyway . . . sometimes your perfect prospect is the gatekeeper for the C-level executive. Unbeknownst to many, few CEO's make decisions without a team consensus. Your answer should be a mind map of decision maker process hierarchy.


In our next article, part three on the secret sauce to successful use of Infusionsoft, we will discuss the psychology of the buyer. We will compare and contrast the online buyer from the face-to-face buyer. We will discuss those attracted to a brand or cause versus those who just want to move away from what they have. That article will summarize what to look for at every buying stage.

Reference Links for Infusionsoft Secret Sauce Articles:

Copyright 2016 Viral Solutions LLC

by Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer

platinum digital marketer certified partner

We help overwhelmed small business owners duplicate themselves – so business can be fun again.
Viral Solutions LLC is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner, an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant, a Google Partner – Certified in AdWords.





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