As a small business, you’re undoubtedly aware of the pressing need to stay relevant and competitive in your market. As quickly as marketing trends come and go, it might not be clear which ones to cling to and which to let go.
We’ve collected a handful of small business marketing trends that are steadfast and inspiring, so keep them in mind as you examine your current strategy and consider making updates.
Technology and innovation
Speaking of trends, what’s new in technology changes by the second, it seems. How do you decide which technologies to employ? First, examine your brand. What does it do? How does it work? Align the technology you use with your brand instead of simply using a new technology for the sake of using it. Make sure the tech you use reinforces your story and message and is effective in broadcasting it to your audience. In the same vein, consider how innovative your strategy is. Does it have long-term impacts? Your technology can go a long way to helping you assess if your marketing strategy is memorable and engaging.
Get personal
What’s key in marketing trends today is establishing a personal connection with your target audience. When you create a real, human connection, you have a greater chance to engage with your consumer and make the conversion. Commit to creating content that is relational — make it funny, make it smart, make it inspirational. Doing so will help you build that all-important personal relationship.
Don’t neglect the hashtag
Hashtags are the marketer’s best friend. As communication devices, they make it easy to categorize and locate information. They create connections in digital conversations that encourage the personalized experience we discussed above. Utilize hashtags as creatively as possible to engage your audience and encourage them to participate in your campaign.
Circle the wagons
Your audience is often one of your best broadcasting systems. There’s nothing wrong with asking them to use their voices to help promote your brand. Not only does it serve you to utilize their word-of-mouth, but it also actively engages them with your brand, which reinforces a personal stake in your company. User-generated content helps to establish another personal, human connection with your brand, and can open the door for creative ideas from your target audience.
by Christine Kelly
CEO and Queen Bee | Viral Solutions LLC
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