How to Get More Subscribers to Your Business’s Blog


How to Get More Subscribers to Your Business’s Blog

It’s always a good idea to optimize your blog for search engines and to try to get links from other sites and through social media, but what’s really worth its weight in gold for a blogger is a subscription. Subscriptions mean guaranteed views to your new posts, and people who subscribe are more likely to regularly share the content that you post. If you want to go platinum, make sure your blog has freemium offers that are impulsive!

So how can you set up your blog in a way that will make people more likely to subscribe? Here are a few tips (killer stuff at the bottom):

  •  Have a subscribe/opt in field on your home page. Before users even travel from your home page to your blog’s landing page, there should be at least one prominently featured field
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    that allows users to subscribe to your blog. This field should have an eye-catching, appealing headline encouraging people to sign up, such as “sign up for free business tips from experts,” or something relevant to your company.

  • Also include opt in fields on each blog post. Many times, people will land on an individual blog post from a google search or social media link. Therefore, you should make sure that you include the same subscription field at the end of each blog post or in the sidebar so that people who come from external sources can easily opt in to get updates.
  • Make subscription fields minimalistic. People shouldn’t have to feel like you’re asking them to fork over too much information simply to sign up to your subscription list. Just get names and email address. Three or fewer fields have been proven to be the most effective means of attracting subscribers.
  • Promote on your own social media. Not only should you be regularly posting your blog and newsletter content to your social media pages, but you should also be letting your followers know that there is the option to subscribe.
  • Give incentive for subscriptions. Make it clear that subscribers get access to exclusive content, or possibly offer special deals to people who subscribe to your newsletters and blogs.
  • Most importantly: produce quality content. Obviously, people aren’t going to be interested in subscribing to your content if it isn’t any good. Focus on producing high quality content at all times, and that will go a long way toward boosting subscription numbers.
  • Link to Relevancy. Your blog posts should be original content. However, often times, the best content is curated from other sources with your added commentary, insight, viewpoint and critique. When you do so, make sure you link to the original source and link internally to prior relevant posts you have written.
  • Freemiums. With every blog article, you should have relevant freemium offers that grab attention and draw those with a pulse. These freemium offers should be relevant to your article and enhance the content with deeper dive knowledge, available through an opt-in form.

Take these tips into consideration, and go get some brand new subscribers to your business’s blog and newsletter! Then when you do the last two points, you can actually monetize your blog.

Copyright 2015 Viral Solutions LLC

by Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer

thomas von ahn viral solutions
Watch out elephants! This slayer of business challenges comes with 30 years of record breaking sales, marketing, operations, training and leadership experience . He has worked face-to-face with 100’s of small business owners as well as large firms. His love of creating, communicating, developing and executing results for clients shines with each project, publication and training event. His entrepreneurial spirit, passion, industry experience, education, problem-solving prowess, charismatic personality and been-there-done that attitude leads his client focused approach.


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