Why Is My Remarketing Not Working? And Other Questions


Group of businesspeople in an office having a meeting about their company's remarketing strategies.

Remarketing is when you try to advertise to people who have already been on your site. It gives you the opportunity to reclaim prospective customers who would have been conversions you almost closed. You also have an opportunity to capture those visitors that showed a high intent to purchase your products or services. So you might be asking yourself, why is my remarketing not working? 

The big question on everyone's mind, is remarketing dead? Since internet usage on cell phones is growing, it can be a concerning factor that phones don't allow cookies. Although with the pandemic, it seems to be a 50/50 split between the desktop and mobile. So, it is important to have your desktop setup ready. Here is how to revamp your remarketing and make it more effective. 

Understand the Buyer Journey 

Understanding the buyer journey is pretty important and applies to all your remarketing campaigns. This is similar to a sales funnel. Where the process begins with customers at the top in the awareness stage and ends up at the bottom where conversion rates are lower. Remarketing is not about showing your ads to the wrong people. It's about convincing them that your products and services are worth their attention.

If there's one thing you need, it's a detailed understanding of your target customer's data. This allows you to know the type of techniques you should apply in capturing their attention and eventually converting them into returning buyers. This means understanding methods that are successful and the ones that are not. You will be able to understand the set of creative ads that have the highest return on investment when applied to a specific segment of customers. 

Businessman's hand holding a mobile phone showing different social media platforms to be used for his company's customer remarketing.

Build Brand Awareness on Social Media 

Your organization needs to build brand awareness on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, among other platforms. There is likely a significant number of your potential customers on these platforms. Here, you can easily capture their attention with a proper remarketing campaign. Build ads that create brand awareness and share them on your different social media platforms. 

When potential customers see your ads, they will understand your products and services better. They might have missed some details the first time they came in contact with your business. Thus, focus on making your brand more elaborate and easier to understand for anyone who sees the ads. When it comes to making a purchase, they will remember your brand and choose you over the competitors. 

Utilize Dynamic Creative Ads on Facebook 

In case you have tried dynamic product ads on Facebook, it's time to shift to dynamic creative ads. Dynamic creative ads are quite effective advertising tools because they ultimately take the guesswork out of your remarketing strategies. You may upload multiple images or videos, headlines, and variations, as well as call-to-action (CTA) button texts. Facebook will then carry out tests and automatically optimize for the best combinations.   

It is important to note that it's best to use dynamic creative ads in the middle and the bottom of your sales funnels. This is because they work with traffic, conversions, as well as app install campaigns. You can also test standard product photos and action shots against customer testimonials in your ads. Facebook will then put your budget into the ads that are performing best.

Segment Your Audiences

There is an audience for everything. Perhaps it’s the customers who want products that need to be restocked often. Or it’s the past customers who would buy more from us, but we aren’t marketing to them anymore. There are many ways to segment your audiences, but one that often goes under the radar is shopping cart abandonment. 

It's common to have shopping cart abandonment on your site. Sometimes, customers put items in their carts and get to the checkout page only to change their minds. This doesn't mean that customers don't want to purchase your products. Rather, they have a second thought and want to think more about purchasing the products. They want to make sure that they are making the right choice by purchasing the products. Because these consumers already put products in their carts, it's wise to focus your remarketing efforts on them. Remind the customers why they need to buy the products as well as how beneficial the products are. 

Adding a conversion tracking pixel to your shopping cart page and checkout pages will help you to identify these types of customers. Thus, this data will help you to develop remarketing ads that engage such customers and encourage them to convert. By engaging prospective customers with abandoned shopping carts, you will potentially earn more conversions for your business. This simple tip alone will have you wondering less why your remarketing isn’t working.   

Simplify the Customer's Action Process 

Just like customers entail a low attention span, they are generally unwilling to undertake a tedious purchase process on your site. If your checkout process takes too long, the customer's time commitment and effort will exceed the benefit. Hence, they will drop out along the process. Reevaluate your checkout process and determine whether there are areas that require further simplification without interfering with security measures. 

For instance, if customers want to make multiple purchases at once, they expect your shopping cart to allow multiple products at once and provide the ability to pay for everything at once. In case your site doesn't allow this, they will give up and look for another site that provides this option. Look for areas where improvement needs to be done to make customer's time in your site relatively easier. Great customer experience will keep them coming back for more products or services.

Why Is My Remarketing Not Working? You’re Not Engaging Enough

If someone becomes your customer, it means they are familiar with your brand and like what you offer them. This is therefore a great opportunity to start cross-selling other complementary products or services. You need to plan out journeys for each of your products or services and evaluate your marketing efforts. For customers who have shown interest and want to know more about your business, keep remarketing to them. Here, you need to focus more on information and not just selling your products or services. When a customer understands your products clearly, they are likely going to purchase without being convinced to do so. 


Remarketing is not dead, if you find yourself asking why it’s not working, then you need to take a deeper look. There are ways to improve, differentiate, and grow. Building brand awareness, utilizing more ads, and increasing engagement are just some ways to bring back remarketing campaigns. At Viral Solutions, we're committed to seeing your business succeed. We're a full-service marketing agency based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin that uses time-tested strategies and up-to-date tactics to help you grow your business. We're here to help you make your remarketing campaign more effective. Contact us today to learn more and get started.

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