Refocus via De-Cluttering Your Mind: 4 Simple Strategies to Getting Back on Clear Track


Are your thoughts all over the place? Do you start one project only to be disrupted by the Monkey of Chaotic thoughts jumping throughout your head?

Fear not, you're not alone. According to world-renowned, wellness expert, Dr. Junger, you may need to De-Clutter Your Brain in four simple steps:

  1. Slow down, get comfortable, and breathe.  Yes, you read that correctly. In order to de-clutter your mind, you must first chill-out. Easier said than done, certainly one can empathize. However, take a couple declutter-your-mindmoments to switch your stressful environment, turn on some soothing music, close your eyes, and slowly listen to your intended breaths.
  2. Actively listen to your breaths. Listen to the sound of your breaths, feel your lungs expand, imagine the air being carried throughout your body as healing and de-cluttering agents to your ever-so-stressed cells. Take the magic-school bus ride through the anatomy of your body and visualise your cells rejuvenating. Take mental pit-stops at locations of your body that feel more congested, such as your mind, resume your healing and intended breathing to aid in releasing negativity and replacing with clear, loving, and positive energy.
  3.  Thank the distraction(s), identify where it came from,  and move on.  You may calm your mind for a moment or two only to be distracted by your Monkey of a to-do list jumping right back at you. This may be a “have to” and you have the “choice to” act on your distraction. It could come from your built-in worry, guilt, or whatever emotion system that is connected with the go-go, mental clutter aspects of your life. Recognize this thought and move on with your continued de-cluttering of your mind. Work on acknowledging your emotions that can trigger such thoughts, and manage in more effective and loving nature. This is your time. The distraction was simply that and now use your keen skills and love for yourself to continue with your mindful, de-cluttering practice.
  4. Rinse & Repeat as desired. This process can be done anywhere, anytime, and as frequently as one needs to get back on track and de-clutter the traffic jam of unproductive thoughts. Through purposeful redirection and refocus you take control of your thoughts, which then shifts your energy. This energy helps to put you back on track, feel empowered, and refreshed to aid you getting what you need to get done with purpose and clarity.

Doing so can be achieved with these four simple steps and can be done whenever, wherever, shared to help whoever – all in as little as 5 minutes! Let’s start today.


    Great Reads…
      1. Daum, K. (2014). How to clear your mind in 15 minutes.


      1. Ferreti, A. (2014). 21 simple ways to quiet the mind: how to clear your mind of clutter and stress.


      1. Junger, D. (2014). Detox your mind in 5 minutes: the power of quantum cleansing.

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Copyright Viral Solutions llc © 2014. All Rights Reserved
by Katie Doseck, Ph.D.

Chief Visionary | Viral Solutions LLC


Dr katie Doseck, PhD Viral Solutions
Katie Doseck, PhD | Chief Visionary & Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve. I catapulted my experience with extensive education, trainings, and personal coaching; earning a PhD in Organizational Management with a specialization in Human Resource Management, MBA in Organizational Leadership, and BA in Law & Liberal Arts. Subject Matter Expert (SME) areas: Human Resource Management, Employment Law, Organizational Change, Change Management, Resource Planning, Strategic Planning, Talent Management, Selling & Sales Management, Training & Development, Decision Making Models, Project Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Motivation. Dr. Doseck is based out of Logan, Utah.


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