Recap of War Room Intensive Copy Workshop Day 2: The 10 Rules for Creating Your Offer


The Intensive Copy Workshop has come to a close in 110-degree Las Vegas, Nevada. But don’t worry, the great stuff learned in Vegas won’t stay in Vegas. You are going to find out how to get your prospect committed to buying by creating revenue-driving offers before you even reveal the price of your product!

For a brief recap, yesterday covered the importance of understanding the human mind and behavior—the psyche. As hard as this concept can be to understand, people buy an experience, not a product.

They want more freedom, comfort, and time, and when you can communicate how your product or service does this…well, you are miles ahead of your competitor. Your offer copy allows them to look through the window of opportunities and see their ultimate desired end result.

Research was another crucial piece of offer creation covered in day 1. Through research, you begin to understand the emotions that compel people to buy. You also find where your competitor is lacking, giving you an edge to fill in the gaps.

Keep this in mind when you are researching: 70% of a great offer is created before you write a word.

As for day 2…

It was all about the secret sauce to crafting the offer. The secret? Sequence. This fact may come as a surprise to you, but the actual offer is the LAST step in the formula.

First, it pays to create a map in your copy for the reader. You do this with your headlines. Your prospect needs to look through the headlines to identify why he should purchase what you are offering and to find the solution to his problem in your product.

Headlines are a big deal! 50% of readers only read the headlines and the P.S.

*Don’t know what a P.S. is in an offer? Don’t worry, you’ll discover that a little later.

The 4 U’s Rule of Headline Creation—they must be:

  1. Useful
  2. Urgent
  3. Unique
  4. Ultra-Specific

You need to invest in either learning to write gripping headlines or finding someone else who does. The best guys in the biz—Perry Belcher and Roland Frasier—will tell you if you don’t, you are leaving money on the table. 80% of the dollar earned is through the headline.

Headlines need to emotionally charge the why of the desired end result. People read the headlines 5 times more than the body of the offer.

It’s also essential you present the copy and offer in the right sequence. You don’t want to jump right into the cost without first reaching your prospect and letting him know you understand his pain, challenges, and discouragements.

The head of our content department with copy whiz Perry Belcher

10 Rules for Crafting Revenue-Driving Offers

Rule # 1: Only ask them to do one thing. Too often you miss a sale because there are too many options on a page. People say they want choices, but more than that they want to know they are making the right one. Providing too many calls to action only confuses them, and they leave the page.

Rule # 2: Call out your audience. Identify who it is you are trying to reach. An example is, “Attention Business Owners Who Can’t Find Good Copywriters.”

Rule # 3: Make a promise. This is typically where most start writing, and the first two steps are left out. The danger in that is missing your ideal audience. As a result, you get a lot of people looking at your offer who aren’t interested and leave your site.

Humans want to be identified and recognized first—that’s the reason the call-out is rule #1, not the promise.

Rule # 4: Create sub-headlines. You’ve mapped out your offer content with your headlines; now it’s time to create the sub-headlines. This rule builds the framework for the rest of your copy. Sub-headlines need to include the following:

Rule # 5: Write the body copy. Here you ask your reader to imagine what it would be like if their pain point were removed. You want to paint a word picture so that they grasp the concept of what it actually looks and feels like to alleviate their challenge.

And then, guess what? You’ve set the stage to reveal how your product or service is the very thing that provides them freedom from their trouble!

It’s also incredibly powerful to take a testimonial and create a story from it that solidifies your product as the solution.

Rule # 6: Transition into the offer. In the final parts of the copy, you want to recap what they learned, such as recognizing their struggles or mentioning solutions they have tried but have failed them, and finally lead them to your product or service as the logical choice.

Rule # 7: Provide a premium. A premium is an item they get for free when they buy the offer. A great example of a premium was the Sports Illustrated football phone given away for FREE with a year’s subscription to the magazine in 1991.

Premiums are incredibly effective. In fact, Perry’s research indicates that without a premium, you are missing 2/3 of your sells.

Rule # 8: Tell them their future. Now that you’ve got them emotionally and logically considering, and you put the cherry on top with the premium, you can predict what their future will look like.

This step is called Futurecasting. Once again, tap into the emotions of freedom from their challenges.

Rule # 9: Find an aspect of scarcity. If you don’t have a limited time offer, educate your prospect about the opportunity they will miss if they let this offer pass by them today.

Rule # 10: Give a clear call to action. Last but not least is the CTA. Provide specific instructions on what the next step is they need to take. Include screenshots or videos of the process, such as pictures of filling out a form or downloading the software.

One last thing… the P.S. In the P.S. you drive a point home again, such as remembering the offer includes a limited edition. Or remind them what will happen if they don’t buy. Perhaps it’s living another day with all the same problems that plague them today. No one wants to do that, so try something new!

Copywriting is challenging and takes a fair amount of time, but apply these rules to your next offer piece to get the wheels of creativity started and watch your conversions soar!


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Filed Under: Content Creation

About Lindsey Perron

As Thomas’ daughter, Lindsey was introduced to the world of sales and marketing at an early age. Curious about what her dad did, Lindsey would jump at every opportunity to help and ride along on sales calls. Always quick to take charge and lead the group—a trait that has only grown with time—Lindsey was frequently told by her parents that she was destined to be a manager or CEO of some sort. While working toward earning her bachelor’s degree in human services from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Lindsey interned with the UW Office of Equality and Affirmative Action and served on several councils, which gave her the opportunity to develop her persuasive writing skills, researching skills, problem-solving skills, project management skills, and more. After working as the lead teacher of the 4-year-old room at the local daycare center, Lindsey decided to switch gears and join the Viral Solutions team. In her position, Lindsey is able to help clients think through an end goal and reverse engineer it into the steps needed to achieve it.

When she’s not working, Lindsey loves spending time with family, be it traveling somewhere together or just hanging out at home.