Chances are that when you've been in business for long enough, you've seen at least a couple great leaders suddenly lose all of their momentum, and their once-promising project takes some gigantic leaps backward. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to consistently stay motivated enough to continue achieving their goals and making headway with their business.
But what's the cause of this? What is it that suddenly makes great leaders lose their momentum and their edge?
Here are a few ideas:
- Complacency. Success can be a dangerous thing; the moment that we think we've achieved all of our goals and decide that we've become “good enough” is the exact moment that we become complacent and risk losing all the momentum we've built. Leaders who become complacent for too long can find it difficult to muster up the motivation to start moving forward once again. Avoid complacency at all costs.
- Not taking risks. Once business owners and leaders have achieved certain levels of success, they start playing it safe as they're too anxious about taking the kinds of occasional risks that made them successful in the first place. It's very easy to get bored with your business if all you're doing is meeting objectives rather than constantly striving for improvement. Live a little! Take calculated risks here and there to keep your business moving forward, rather than settling for any kind of plateau. As Vince Lombardi once famously said, “Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence.”
- Burnout. We live in a society where we glorify “busyness,” but it's important to take a step back and breathe every now and then. Part of being a great leader is realizing that you can't be the one doing everything with your business. The more your business grows, the more important it becomes to delegate and take breaks when you can. If you fail to do this, then you run a much greater risk of burning yourself out.
Have you struggled with motivation as a leader of your business? Perhaps one of these factors has played a role in that. Contact us today at Viral Solutions to learn more about how we can help you keep moving forward and reaching greater and greater heights.