Erie Custom Signs (Manufacturing)

The first page of the Erie Custom Signs Case Study.

Some of the Tactical Services We Executed:

In addition to creating a wide range of resources, including segmented newsletters and downloadable guides, we implemented strategic trade show follow-up for better lead generation. 

We applied PPC advertising to supplement SEO efforts and direct traffic to the client’s website. This resulted in increased quote requests, catalog downloads, and wholesale partnerships.

Our team optimized the company’s website for search by creating quality content and making technical improvements, which led to a significant increase in organic traffic and rankings.

We conducted keyword research to identify opportunities for content that would benefit different segments of the client’s audience. We then created content for each stage of the client’s funnel.

Along with helping the client create email marketing content, we showed them how to leverage Infusionsoft (Keap) to its full extent, automating campaigns for better follow-up and convenience.