Curt Landry Ministries (Ministry)

The first page of the Curt Landry Ministries Case Study.

Some of the Tactical Services We Executed:

In addition to creating a wide range of resources, including segmented newsletters and downloadable guides, we implemented strategic trade show follow-up for better lead generation. 

We segmented the client’s email list, ensuring recipients would receive content specific to their interests and needs. Additionally, we automated email campaigns to cut back on manual labor. Recently, one email campaign had an open rate of 62% and a click through rate of 20%! (Industry standards are 20% and 2%, respectively.) 

Our team implemented SEO best practices on the client’s site, such as simplifying navigation, improving loading speed, and aligning content with search intent, leading to significant traffic growth.

Our team created assets to generate interest among those likely to donate to the ministry’s outreach efforts. Further, we branched out beyond the ministry’s home base to reach donors worldwide.

We revamped the ministry’s brand in terms of look, messaging, and experience, taking a donor-centric approach that played a role in increasing the number of donors and amount of donations.

Our team wrote and designed a wide assortment of high-quality content to educate the ministry’s members, eventually building up a library of resources resonating with each segment of the organization's target audience. These resources have become e-books, physical books, podcast episodes and YouTube videos.