4 Tips for Rebooting YOU – Today


Are you feeling lost, overwhelmed, or simply drained? Do suffer from life running you, rather you running it? Are you wondering why in the world you do what you do or what you can to regain that once easily excited and passionate about life person that once was you?

Well, my virtual friend, this brief article may just shed some light on steps that you can use today to reboot you.

  • Take time for you. Seriously, put away the cell phones, turn off the email notifications, cover the whiteboard that is filled with your enormous GANTT chart of projects, activities, and tasks. Take at least 30 minutes to just be with you. What will I do? Man, you really do need this time more you can imagine. You can just be. You can pick up a book, sit on your porch, go for a walk – a walk would be nice, especially this time of year, you can see the fall colors and listen to the crunchy sounds walking amidst the fallen leaves. Don’t do anything that makes you think of what you need or should do for your business, team, boss, or other people. This is your time for you, not for you to do other stuff for others. Do this for a couple days this week, and then turn this into a daily ritual.
  • Reflect on what are musts and must nots within your life. By your second day of timing out reality and making time for you, you should be feeling a little more at ease. Perhaps, your mind wandered while you were walking or doing whatever during your personal time. Thoughts of what you do and do not enjoy may have come and gone. Take some time to reflect on those thoughts. Specifically, identify 8 absolute musts that you need to contribute to a healthy, energized, and joyful life. Write them down. Ask yourself why are these musts? Then ask yourself, how would you feel if you’d neglect this musts? Next, identify 8 absolutely must nots – simply, what you do not want to have in your life. Then ask yourself, how you’ve let those must nots into your life and the impact they’ve had on you. Take note of your findings and your emotions associated with each. Doing so will help you to associate feelings to your musts and must nots. Which in turn may inspire a deeper commitment to making what you do and do not want a reality.
  • Identify 3 goals that if you achieved for in the next 7 days and how those goals would impact your life. Perhaps, your 3 goals have something to do with implementing action for your must-haves or building your moat to protect you from the must not-haves. Whatever the case, make 3 goals / outcomes that are clear, specific, attainable, why you’re doing (i.e. emotions that are going to be changed by achieving your outcomes) and must be achieved within the next 7 days. Identify the actions that you need to make happen in order for these goals to be achieved, how you will measure the success, and link the emotional outcome of how you will feel once these goals have been achieved. Then do it.
  • Create a support system. Line yourself up with resources that aid you in restoring and re-energizing you. If it drains you, it isn’t for you. This is going to require you to dig deeper with what makes you feel good, helps you to connect with you, and propels you to where you want to be. For some that may be checking out self-help books from the library, downloading a meditation from online, going to yoga, working out, or whatever. The bottomline, is that you need to build a routine and be accountable to you. You wouldn’t cancel an appointment with a client because you don’t feel like it, don’t cancel an appointment with you. Let that last sentence sink in. The time for you is sacred. You matter, you are of value, and you need to have a routine or appointments within your schedule that build you up, rejuvenate you, and you need to keep those appointments with yourself.

Great Reads to Aid You to Reboot…

Perkins, R. (2014). 7 Ways to Step Out of Your Shadow. Huffington Post. Retrieved:

Richardson, C. (2014). The Art of Extreme Self-Care. Hay House Publishing. Retrieved:

Robbins, T. (2013). Rapid Planning Method. YouTube. Retrieved:

Robbins, T. (2014). Rapid Planning Method. Tony Robbins. Retrieved:

Sheldon, C.M. (2014). Love or Above. Mindvalley. Retrieved


Copyright Viral Solutions llc © 2014. All Rights Reserved

by Katie Doseck, Ph.D.

Chief Visionary and Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve | Viral Solutions LLC

Dr katie Doseck, PhD Viral Solutions
Katie Doseck, PhD | Chief Visionary & Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve. I catapulted my experience with extensive education, trainings, and personal coaching; earning a PhD in Organizational Management with a specialization in Human Resource Management, MBA in Organizational Leadership, and BA in Law & Liberal Arts. Subject Matter Expert (SME) areas: Human Resource Management, Employment Law, Organizational Change, Change Management, Resource Planning, Strategic Planning, Talent Management, Selling & Sales Management, Training & Development, Decision Making Models, Project Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Motivation. Dr. Doseck is based out of Logan, Utah.

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