Marketing Trends Series: Mobile Video Rapidly Growing in Use Among Marketers


Welcome back to our series on marketing trends that have taken over the industry in 2017. Today we focus on mobile video, a blossoming marketing niche that continues to grow more refined as more marketers focus on this specific tactic.

Over the last several years, video marketing has evolved into one of the most important marketing strategies a company can use online. It is impossible now to scroll through a Facebook newsfeed, a Twitter timeline or a web article without seeing video embedded. And it’s easy to see why!

Video has been shown in numerous studies to be one of, if not the, most engaging forms of content marketers can use.

marketing trends mobile video

Now, with people spending the majority of their internet browsing time on mobile devices, it has become more important for companies to ensure they have optimized their videos for mobile devices.

Here are just a few of the biggest reasons why mobile video has become an ideal marketing tool:

Tips for creating a successful mobile video campaign

So now that we know why mobile video is so popular and important, how can companies set themselves up for success when it comes to using mobile video?

Here are a few tips:

For more information and tips about mobile video marketing, contact us at Viral Solutions.

Copyright Viral Solutions 2017

Thomas von Ahn

Thomas von Ahn

Chief Elephant Slayer for Viral Solutions LLC

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Filed Under: Social Media