Tips for Creating Your First Crowdfunding Campaign


Thanks to the rise in popularity of sites like Indiegogo, Kickstarter and GoFundMe, crowdfunding campaigns have quickly become a go-to way for small businesses and nonprofit organizations especially to get funding they need for various projects and causes. However, it's not as simple as filling out a few forms and watching the money roll in. There is still a lot of work involved in marketing the campaign and convincing people to contribute.

With that in mind, here are a few tips for first-time crowdfunding site users:

1) Make sure everyone on staff knows the project is a priority.

You need help from all areas of your company or organization to get the campaign off the ground. As a group you should discuss the marketing and messaging strategy that you'll use, the targets of the campaign, the perkscrowfunding that people will get for contributing, the actual set up of the campaign site and how you'll promote the campaign across your own media.

2) Make sure you have an established and engaged network.

You're much more likely to have success early on if you already have people tuned into what your business or organization does and what you are trying to accomplish with your eventual crowdfunding campaign. Connect with people through email, social media, blogging and more, so that you'll have an easier time rallying support when launch time finally comes.

3) Develop a full-scale marketing strategy for the campaign.

Put together a campaign video, donation perks, blog posts, press releases, social media updates, email newsletters and more, all of which should have the same branding and themes to reinforce the message. Think of your crowdfunding campaign as a new product or service that you're rolling out. Your campaign page should be compelling to read and look at, as well.

4) Attempt to get others to match donations.

If you can find other organizations or investors to match any donations made, you are even more likely to be able to get people to donate to your cause.

5) Make it personal.

Frame your story in a way so that it's not about your organization, but about people. You need to be able to bring the story of your campaign down to a personal level so that it's easier for the average person to connect and want to donate.

Is a crowdfunding campaign what your organization needs for your next endeavor? Contact Viral Solutions today for more information about how to find success with your campaign and your web marketing.


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Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer | Viral Solutions LLC
thomas von ahn

Watch out elephants! This slayer of business challenges comes with 30 years of record breaking sales, marketing, operations, training and leadership experience . He has worked face-to-face with 100’s of small business owners as well as large firms. His love of creating, communicating, developing and executing results for clients shines with each project, publication and training event. His entrepreneurial spirit, passion, industry experience, education, problem-solving prowess, charismatic personality and been-there-done that attitude leads his client focused approach.



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