Retargeting, also commonly referred to as remarketing, allows advertisers to show ads to people who have already engaged with them in some way online.
Through retargeting, ads highlighting your business are placed throughout other websites a viewer browses after leaving your page. This method of positioning ads online has proven to be extremely effective, and it represents a powerful tool for online advertisers and marketers.
As an example, retargeting could be used to bring back a viewer who left items in an online shopping cart and did not complete a purchase. After leaving the items in the cart and closing out of your website, it is likely that this potential customer will forget about the merchandise that once interested him or her. Instead of letting go of that potential sale, retargeting places ads for your company on other websites that customer browses to remind him or her of the incomplete action and redirect her back to your website. Retargeting ads can even depict the specific items that the potential customer had in the shopping cart.
Using AdWords to retarget
For businesses interested in retargeting, Google offers an accessible and highly effective option as part of its AdWords platform. Not only does Google have an expansive ad network across more than 2 million websites, but it also accounts for approximately 75 percent of all search engine use in the United States.
AdWords allows you to retarget viewers through display and search ads as they browse the Internet on a tablet, desktop or smart phone. You have complete control over what content is featured in your ads and how often each ad is displayed as it follows viewers around the web.
Most importantly, through retargeting, you can reach potential customers where they are most likely to engage with your website and complete a desired conversion action. When a person returns to Google to continue looking for a product or service, retargeting ads are there to remind them that your business has exactly the items for which they’ve been searching.
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