Entrepreneurs and small businesses are under more pressure than ever these days to be innovators with their product offerings. And yet, you’d be amazed at how many of these businesses don’t understand how to be an innovator.
The idea of innovation is easy, right? All it really is is the idea of doing something that hasn’t been done before, or introducing some new element to an old idea. Innovation has become something of a buzzword in the business world. It’s on the lips of every professional out there right now, and yet only a fraction of them are actually equipped to engage in it.
From what I’ve seen, there are two main factors that are preventing most people from getting out there and being the innovators they need to be to find true success with their businesses.
The first factor is their own level of personal comfort. To be an innovator, you need to have the courage to take some risks and abandon the status quo. It’s very easy to grow comfortable with particular ways of doing things, but that comfort can be dangerous in that it could prevent you from achieving the growth you’re looking for.
How many risks do you take on a daily basis? When was the last time that you went out on a limb with your company and tried something with a high risk of failure? Heck, when was the last time that you failed at all? Protecting yourself from failure only serves to hold you back from true success.
The second factor that prevents people from being innovators is the idea of “the system.” We’re brought up from the time we’re children with the idea that we should dream big and shoot for the stars, but inevitably, most of us wind up in “the system,” a place that has its own set of norms, patterns and rules that hold us back and stifle creativity.
If you’re going to really find success as an innovator, you must be willing to break free of “the system.” Change company policy, take chances on unproven ideas, you name it. The rules of your industry only have as much power as you give to them. Try setting your own rules for a change, and then break those too.
Viral Solutions can help you to become an innovator with your business. Contact us today for more information.
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