Outstanding Sources for Digital Marketing Statistics


outstanding digital marketing statistic resources

If you’re going to be serious about digital marketing, you need to be serious about statistics and analytics as well. It’s impossible to set yourself up for success in a marketing campaign without looking closely at the statistics. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of free tools available to you online to give you comprehensive looks at the best means of achieving digital marketing success.

Here are a few of the best free digital marketing statistic sources you’ll find on the internet:

  • Global WebIndex: Global WebIndex may be a primarily paid service, but they provide a lot of their statistics on their blog and through various free reports. For example, one insightful report showed an in-depth breakdown of the online activities of users between the ages of 16 and 24, and compared laptop users versus mobile users. Age and platform information is extremely important for companies with very specific demographics they want to hit. Define your target audiences with custom segments from 4,500 data points. Then explore their digital behaviors and make better decisions.

    Digital Marketing Tips | Purpose, Perfect Customer, Spark, & Kindling Strategies — Whether you are starting or starting over, branding your online business is paramount. Having an idea of a product or service is one thing, but having that idea with the branding that supports directing people to you and you to them is a whole other ballgame.
  • Similar Web: Similar Web is a great tool that comes in both a free and premium version. It shows traffic sources for specific sites, with the premium version also featuring categories and keywords. Discover your competitor's website traffic statistics.
  • Marketing Charts/Pew Internet: Marketing Charts has existed for many years, and now pays special attention to digital marketing as well. It aggregates information about business and consumer adoption of specific technologies. Marketing Charts often partners with Pew Internet Statistics, one of the web’s best locations to find statistics about how people across America are using digital technology.
  • eMarketer: eMarketer is known across the digital marketing industry for its outstanding blog, but it contains plenty of statistics as well. Some of its studies are only available for premium customers, but many studies and statistics are published on its blog and on other sections of the website. It contain a compilation of digital statistics in a wide variety of areas.
  • International Telecomms Union: ITU is primarily used for internet usage breakdown on a global and nation-by-nation scale. It is primarily used for big picture usage of digital devices, showing a variety of trends across countries and some general internet usage trends.
  • IAB Research: The IAB is a hub for thought leadership in the interactive advertising industry. Resources in this section will help you make the case for interactive and implement strategies for successful campaigns. IAB provides reports about ad spending, media investments and their effectiveness.

Looking for more useful resources for digital marketing statistics? Contact us today at Viral Solutions.

Thomas von Ahn

Chief Elephant Slayer for Viral Solutions LLC

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