Make More Effective Use of Hashtags


People without a keen grasp on social media are often confused about what exactly hashtags are used for and how they should be included in promotional posts for their business. It’s important to note that people who use social media are extremely savvy when it comes to online marketing tactics, and companies that use hashtags poorly will more than likely be completely ignored.

Here are some tips to make better use of hashtags on social media:

Test before posting. Do a search for your hashtag and see who else is using the hashtag, and how. You don’t want your hashtag to be instantly associated with another business, for A concept image showing a collection of small metallic hashtags of various sizes arranged randomly on an isolated studio backgroundexample. This is especially important if you are creating a hashtag relevant to your business or promotion. It is good, however, to use general hashtags that are being used by other people, as they will be more likely to be noticed, so long as (again) they aren’t directly associated with another brand.
Keep it simple. On Twitter especially, long and complicated hashtags aren’t likely to get a whole lot of engagement. Your hashtags should be easy to read and remember and allow people to add enough additional text in their post.
Timing is key. Take advantage of the “trending topics” lists provided by Twitter and Facebook. Many times you’ll see certain hashtags that are trending worldwide, across the nation or in your local area. Using these hashtags in a smart way that fits within your brand can be a good way to make sure more people see your message.
Be relevant. Going along with the previous point, just because a hashtag is currently popular does not mean that you should spam tweets with that hashtag. It will reflect poorly on your business, because Twitter and Facebook users will instantly know that you’re looking for cheap attention. Be responsible with how often you use hashtags and which ones you choose to use. Don’t simply tweet about every popular hashtag in hopes of getting attention.
Track your success. Are your posts getting seen by other people because of the hashtag? Are other people actually joining in and using the hashtag as well? These are important questions that you should ask yourself as you evaluate your social media marketing campaign and your use of hashtags.

Need assistance with solving your hashtag woes? Work with us today at Viral Solutions!

Copyright 2015 Viral Solutions LLC

infusionsoft certified consultant

Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer | Viral Solutions LLC
thomas von ahn viral solutions
Watch out elephants! This slayer of business challenges comes with 30 years of record breaking sales, marketing, operations, training and leadership experience . He has worked face-to-face with 100’s of small business owners as well as large firms. His love of creating, communicating, developing and executing results for clients shines with each project, publication and training event. His entrepreneurial spirit, passion, industry experience, education, problem-solving prowess, charismatic personality and been-there-done that attitude leads his client focused approach.


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