One thing you’ve likely noticed about some of your more successful friends or colleagues is that they tend to be the kind of people who accomplish a lot in the morning, often getting most of their work done by noon.
This might seem laughable to those of us with insanely busy schedules, but if you plan out your day and stay focused, you have a good chance of getting a majority of your work done before you even have to take your lunch break.
Here are some tips on how you can be extra productive before noon:
- Get writing done in the morning. If you have any memos, reports, long emails, letters or contracts to write, try to do them all right away in the morning. There have been studies that show that writing helps to focus your brain, so it’s a good way to set the pace for the rest of the day when you get it done right in the morning.
- Set alarms for periodic breaks. These breaks shouldn’t be very long (five to ten minutes max), but taking an occasional break to grab a cup of coffee, use the bathroom, take a walk around the office or anything else you want to do is actually a good way to improve your attention span. Because your brain knows a break is coming, it’s easier to focus on the tasks at hand.
- Plan out your day the night before. Before you go to bed, do a mental rundown of all the tasks that you want to accomplish the following day and what time you are going to work on them. That way you go into the next day with a game plan, knowing exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it.
- Save email and voice mail until later. If you prioritize these items in the morning, you’re basically allowing other people to dictate your schedule for the day. Instead, take some extra time to eat a healthy breakfast and get working on the important items that you want to accomplish.
- Don’t multitask. You might think you’re being more effective by multitasking, but you’re really only giving a small percentage of your brain to multiple things at once. Instead, give all of your attention to one thing at a time. This will both make you more effective and increase the quality of your work.
These are just a few tips for how you can get a lot of work done before noon without having to get up at the crack of dawn. Have any more tips you’d like to share?
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