Why Aren’t You Setting Goals? Those that do earn 10x


Does this sound familiar to you?

You know goal setting is important…

You believe you should do it…

You tried it before…

But you just didn’t stick with it.

Not to worry. If this sounds like you, you aren’t alone…

ONLY 1% of entrepreneurs think about, write down and regularly review their goals… 

And they earn 10 TIMES MORE than everyone else…

Without goal setting…

  • You don’t know where you are on your path to success…
  • You don’t even have a clear picture of what success looks like for you…
  • You don’t get the feedback you need to measure your progress and make improvements in your daily actions…


goal setting


You end up spinning your wheels’ year after year hoping that someday you’ll guess right, actually experience some success and get what you want…

So why is it that only 1% of us write and review goals regularly?

The reason is most of us, find traditional goal setting to be boring, corporate and uninspiring…

So, there’s a problem here…

We know goal setting is important and it will help us, but we don’t do it…

We solved this problem with a FUN, NEW, CREATIVE way to set goals using a Business Vision Board…

Incorporating a Vision Board with Goal Setting accomplishes a few important things right away…

  • You’ll have a clear and compelling vision of what you want to achieve right in front of you every day that inspires you to keep moving forward…
  • You’ll be able to break your dreams down into goals and the action steps you want to take every day so your days are much more productive because you’re proactive instead reactive…
  • And you’ll be able to easily see and track your progress…


But that isn’t enough…

We want you to stick with it, have more fun and get more meaning and value from your goal setting…

So, we incorporated CREATIVITY into goal setting and making your Business Vision Board.

When you are thinking about your goals & writing them down, you’re using the left hemisphere of your brain.

Adding creativity to goal setting engages the right side of your brain and takes your goals and fuels them with imagination, intuition and insight.

“Creativity embeds knowledge so that it can become practice. We move what we’re learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands. Creativity is the ultimate act of integration.” ~ Brene Brown (Author, Speaker, Researcher)

Creativity helps you become better at risk taking, and it will keep you from procrastinating because it curbs your need for perfectionism.

Creativity is also a catalyst for developing solutions. It gives you the fuel to have more “a-ha” moments, and it makes you more resilient.

And adding creativity to goal setting accomplishes one more important thing too…

It makes goal setting MORE FUN!

Goal Setting


Some would say that’s enough… (but not us!)

We want to give you every advantage possible to make your dreams and goals a reality…

So we’ve added Fun, New, and yes Creative Lessons to our Business Vision Board Workshop, so achieving your goals will be easier than ever.

We believe YOU are the greatest untapped resource in your business, and that your business will never outgrow you…

This means for your business to grow; you must grow and develop as a person FIRST…

This also means you and your business have UNLIMITED POTENTIAL, and we’ve developed creative lessons to unlock your full potential one easy to follow step at a time…

These creative lessons are waiting for you in the Business Vision Board Workshop.

Click on this link to find out more about the Business Vision Board Workshop and sign up today!

By Maritza Parra and Joe Vilardo

Maritza Parra and Joe Villardo





Maritza Parra discovered the power and leverage of online list building because of her passion for Spanish Horses and a type of horse riding called dressage. She built a list around this obscure niche and profited by $29,746 when she made her first offer to her “horse list” (which at the -me had not reached 800 subscribers). What you’ll learn from Maritza works in all kinds of industries. Her subscribers, clients and students have had amazing success, with more prospects, profits and visibility – they’ve been featured on the Jimmy Kimmel show, Town & Country, Huffington Post & Cosmopolitan magazines to name a few (all while building very profitable businesses they love!)

Business Vision Board

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