Top 3 Online Lead Generators


lead generator

There are many ways to generate leads online today. But the best of the best are what businesses want to focus on. In this article, we will discuss the top 3 online lead generators.

It may come as a surprise that email can generate the most leads but it's true. It's not only highly effective, it is also the easiest method of online lead generation. Most marketer's use email as their go to lead generation tactic (89 %). When you think about it, it isn't hard to understand why email can generate leads so nonchalantly. Pretty much everyone has an email account, and multiple devices to check it with. iPhones account for 33 % of opened emails in 2016, Gmail is sitting at 15 %, iPad 12 %, Google Android 10 %, Apple Mail 8%, and Yahoo at 3 %. People also check there email multiple times a day, even before going to sleep. Studies show that 70 percent of millennials check their accounts in bed. So there are amazing opportunities to be had with email marketing.

Coming in close second to email is content marketing. This is mainly because it is a bit more difficult to generate online leads this way. To generate leads with content you have to have a good strategy. Great content creation takes time and resources, both of which are limited especially to small businesses. Staying within the budget is another hill to climb when developing content.

The third best lead generating method is social media marketing. It is just about as effective as the first two and a little less difficult than content marketing. Social media is a great marketing tool. Many people across the world use at least one form of social media. So far in 2016, Facebook is the most use platform worldwide, and in the United States. Some of the biggest speed bumps are being able to analyze the effectiveness of the campaign and designing a social media strategy.

When your company has no time to come up with an intricate marketing game plan, going with just email seems to be the best route. It is fast and easy, and you can reach the most people at multiple times in a day.

Lindsey Perron

Queen of the Machine for Viral Solutions LLC

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“If a brand genuinely wants to make a social contribution, it should start with who they are, not what they do. For only when a brand has defined itself and its core values can it identify causes or social responsibility initiatives that are in alignment with its authentic brand story.” ~ Simon Mainwaring


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