Re-Evaluating Your Marketing Plan: 4 Questions to Start Strong & Strategize Stronger


4 Questions to Start Strong & Strategize StrongerAre you a proactive marketer prowess or non-active, don’t really know your market, customers, or even your own specialization, differentiation, and unique selling position kind of dude? The difference between the two is night and day. Night and day within the aspect of understanding, strategy, and success.

Below are four simple questions to ask yourself that can help you to identify if you’re the prowess or the dude.

Whichever side of the fence you land on is fine because you have the choice to stay or work towards actions to move you to the other. These questions simply help you see where you’re today, and can aid you in determining next steps to help you strategize stronger today.

  1. Who is your customer? Yes. I am asking you that question. Can you quickly and specifically identify who your customer(s) is/are without providing a generic whoever buys your product or service 4 Questions to Start Strong & Strategize Strongerresponse? If you can’t or struggle to identify, the lack of knowing is a huge indicator that you need to research your market, your very best customers, and even your worst customers. You need to truly know the demographics and psycho-graphics about your very best customers. Demographics gives you key characteristics about your customers, such as a age, income, education, location, gender, etc. Psycho-graphics provides with the motivation as to why those best customers buy. Truly understanding who your best customers are, what they are like, and what motivates them to buy and biggest fear that makes them not buy, will provide you such insight that can be used to customize a stronger marketing campaign. Ask yourself, do you really know who your best customers are, their characteristics, and motivations to buy? If not, this is the first place to start your market research.
  2. What is your specialization strategy? This is the product or service you focus all of your efforts. This is what you provide to your customers to fit the wants and/or needs of 4 Questions to Start Strong & Strategize Strongeryour customers. Truly understanding your best customers helps you to see what it is they want, need, and motivations as to why they purchased it from you. However, without that clarity as to who your best customers are and why, what you provide and why you provide it can be just as vague. The vagueness can cause mixed messages to those prospective best customers and lead them to purchase from a competitor that not only knows his or her best customers, but shows it through it’s engaging marketing, website, posts, product details, testimonials, and so on. Here, ask yourself what is it that you do that gets customers start, stay, and grow their wants and needs with your product, service, and/or organization? Are you proactive, reactive, or not active with this strategy? Why?
  3. What is your differentiation strategy? How and why are you different? This is your competitive advantage. Understanding your clear competitive advantage that you do better4 Questions to Start Strong & Strategize Stronger than anyone else. Getting this right is the difference between so-so to outrageous success. If you’re saying something generic, like “people buy from our company because of our quality and service,” – you’re missing the boat. This is why it is so essential to truly know your best and worst customers. You need to know their demographics and psycho-graphics so that you can effectively focus your specialization and differentiation energy and resources to meet the characteristics and motivations as to why and why they don’t buy. To build a strong campaign, you must have a strong understanding of you, your customers, and your own positioning. Otherwise, strategy is like a plastic bag floating in the air with no clear direction and waiting for someone to notice and pick it up. If you can clearly understand your best customers’ why factor and your own aspect of what makes your firm different than competitors, you can synthesize that into your unique selling position.
  1. What is your unique selling position strategy? Here, it’s really asking how you position your product, service, or organization to get people to 4 Questions to Start Strong & Strategize Strongerpurchase from you. Positioning is simply the message that you send to customers that get them to buy from you. Do you know why they buy from you? Why not if you don’t? What is it that gets people to not only buy from you, but continue to buy from you. Is it your culture, your dedication to innovative products, your love for truly understanding your customers and engaging with them before and after a sale. Is it treating your customer like they’re more than a customer, but the lifeline of your organization? Whatever it is, it is essential identify why it is so special, how it impacts your business, and what you can do to expand it to provide more value to your best customers. Doing so, will heighten your awareness, customer relationships, and sustain your unique selling strategy for years to come.

How did you do? Are you a prowess or a dude? Do you truly know your customers, specialization, differentiation, and unique selling position strategies? Are you off in one area and feel like a little research could help you strengthen your other categories? Similar to sitting on a wobbly chair, if one part of your marketing plan is off, it will impact the others. Identification as to where, how, when, and why you can improve will aid you in strategizing stronger. Take the time to truly investigate these areas and then synthesize your findings to create a specific plan that leads to specific actions that make you a prowess.

Additional Great Read…

Tracy, B. (2014). Enhance Your Marketing Strategy , Increase Your Sales. Retrieved:

Copyright Viral Solutions llc © 2014. All Rights Reserved

by Katie Doseck, Ph.D.

Chief Visionary and Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve | Viral Solutions LLC

Dr katie Doseck, PhD Viral Solutions

Katie Doseck, PhD | Chief Visionary & Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve. I catapulted my experience with extensive education, trainings, and personal coaching; earning a PhD in Organizational Management with a specialization in Human Resource Management, MBA in Organizational Leadership, and BA in Law & Liberal Arts. Subject Matter Expert (SME) areas: Human Resource Management, Employment Law, Organizational Change, Change Management, Resource Planning, Strategic Planning, Talent Management, Selling & Sales Management, Training & Development, Decision Making Models, Project Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Motivation. Dr. Doseck is based out of Logan, Utah.


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