According to a new report from Venture Beat Insight, mobile marketing automation (MMA) could triple in size by the end of 2015. While the MMA market is only about 1.5 percent penetrated, there are expected to be some pretty significant leaps taken in the industry this year.
There are plenty of apps that already use MMA for boosting monetization, including some of the most popular mobile games available for download. Other major brands like ESPN, Starbucks and more use MMA practices to increase their mobile engagement. However, there are still a lot of app publishers that aren’t completely clear as to what MMA is, which is what has prevented that significant growth before now.
The simplest way of explaining mobile marketing automation is that it involves a combination of old-school customer relation management, modern app analytics and web-based marketing, all re-thought for use on mobile devices. It involves tracking analytics down to the level of each individual user.

Just a few of the most popular MMA features that you might be familiar with include:
• Push notifications (could include sounds, badgers or other alerts)
• Segment targeting
• Email campaigns
• In-app messaging
• Cohort analysis and user profiles
• Surveys, ratings, feedback and promotions
• Targeted in-app incentives and rewards
Mobile marketing automation allows marketers to focus on specific locations, analyze the behavior of individual targets on your website, social media and apps, map content for your consumers based on the “stages of buying” they go through and more. You are able to set limits on the amounts of messages that get sent out to your customers so that they don’t get overwhelmed, or set specific times for when messages will be delivered.
Basically, it’s a new level of connectivity between marketers and customers thanks to the availability that mobile devices provide. Best of all, you can set your MMA systems up so that customers can opt in, meaning that you won’t be harassing customers that aren’t interested in getting mobile messages from you.
So, you can see why this year is expected to be a huge year for mobile marketing automation. The last several years have seen a big growth and evolution in the mobile device world, and marketers are catching up. Those businesses that get on board with MMA this year will truly be on the cutting edge.