One of the best ways to find loyal customers in the early stages of your company is to successfully tap into a niche market. Too many small businesses try to be too many things at once when they’re just getting started. Narrowing your focus on a specific niche allows you to better target your marketing messages toward people who are actually likely to be interested in what you’re selling.

So how can you tap into these niche markets? Here are a few tips:
- Do one thing extremely well. Maybe you have a variety of product types, but you have one specific core product geared toward a niche market that you do really, really well. This is the best first step toward getting a more narrow market interested in what you have to offer.
- Use market-specific advertising channels. Consider how customers within your niche market are most likely to learn about products within the industry. Magazines or websites for specific trades, targeted online communities and other such avenues may all be places you want to approach to put out a more personalized marketing message.
- Be personal. Not only should your marketing message be personalized for the industry you’re trying to tap into, but your tone and the way you communicate with people should be as well. Because you’re focusing on a relatively small audience, you have the ability to craft more personal messages and to actually show some personality as a company rather than coming off as a PR drone that’s only interested in getting more customers. Listen to people’s interests, solve their problems and just focus on them in general, and they’ll be more likely to buy into your marketing.
- Be a true alternative to larger brands. People with niche interests are more likely to want to support small businesses that cater to those interests. Therefore, do everything you can to set yourself apart from larger corporations. With a narrow market focus you can offer better quality and better customer service, even if you can’t match the low prices of big-time corporations.
To learn more about how to market to niche customer groups, contact our team at Viral Solutions today.
Copyright 2015 Viral Solutions LLC
by Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer