Effective Content | How to Use Content You Already Have to Maximize Leads


content strategy

You invest a lot of time and money into creating quality content – that’s why you’re reading this, and it’s why we wrote it. Here’s what typically happens: write a stellar blog post, it’s featured on the first page of your blog, it’s promoted on social media for a few days, and then nothing. That great content was probably just as relevant to today’s customer as it is to next week’s, and they may not find it.

It’s estimated that as many as 75 percent of marketers only use their content one time. Here’s how to continually promote your most effective content to build new leads.

1) Present your top content as how-to guides or must-reads
Keep your most popular or relevant content highly visible on your website. Bundle blog posts together as a series of articles under different topics related to your company’s work so that users can easily find all information on that topic. Link to these articles from newer posts, or included a listing of related posts at the bottom of new content.

2) Design the website to support content
Link to the bundled content mentioned above from your FAQ and the menu bar. Include links to content on product pages if there is a relevant blog post or tutorial video. Add content links to the

repurpose content
Blog marketing and promoting your blog is not only about text-based blog posts. You can repurpose your blog content to extend the reach of your blog and to identify further link-building opportunities.

error page and the email unsubscribe page to keep potential new users on your site.

3) Continually promote your content on social media
Post your new content to your pages two to three times daily for one week. Do not rely on your users to keep sharing the first post. Notify influencers when they are referenced in your content so they can share. Add social media buttons to content so it can be easily shared on multiple platforms.

4) Record and share presentations
Live and recorded webinars can help you engage with customers and give them on-demand, in-depth information about your company. Create presentations on how to use products, or expert talks on subjects related to your industry. Link to these presentations and promote as you would with other content.

Don’t let your high-level content go to waste. Give new customers a clear idea of your company and how you can help by making all of your great content easy to discover.

Copyright 2015 Viral Solutions LLC

by Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer

We help overwhelmed small business owners duplicate themselves – so business can be fun again.
Viral Solutions LLC is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner, an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant, a Google Partner – Certified in AdWords and a Mobit Certified Partner.

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