How to Create Return Customers with Opt-in Forms


returning customers

Attracting a customer to your website and then closing the sale is tough. Without person-to-person contact, you don’t have the opportunity to build any relationship with the customer. Because you’ve invested in making that first sale, you need the customer to come back for more.

But it turns out that after you first sale is when the truly difficult work comes in—only 35 percent of customers return to sites they’ve bought products or services from, according to one report. The good news is that if they make that second purchase, they’re much more likely to make even more.

Opt-in forms allow businesses to remind customers about their business and alert them to new products and services. Essentially every successful commerce website uses them—and your small business should, too.

Types of Opt-in Forms

How you approach the visitor of the opt-in form may differ, but the goal is always the same: Get their email address.

That’s why many companies use multiple opt-in forms to cover all their bases. A common one is the opt-in at the top of the homepage. One that customers claim they don’t like (but is very effective) is a pop-up ad.

You may also put the opt-in at the end of the transaction. This is an end-of-funnel opt-in, which is simply an already-checked box that signs customers up for future communications like newsletters and sales notices.

How to Present an Opt-in Form

Remember that this is your time to build a relationship with your customer. Getting that email address is a must.

Online shoppers have become accustomed to the end-of-funnel opt-in. They don’t see it as intrusive. They may simply forget to uncheck it and that gets you in the door.

The top of homepage opt-in is popular, too. However, you don’t want to clutter the top of your website. This may be your one chance to land that customer—don’t blow it with a tacky design.

Go for simple, eye-catching, and direct. The opt-in should be part of your website, not an out-of-place extra. Use photos or video of the people who make your business great to add a human touch. Including testimonials can grow your company’s credibility as well.

If your small business needs to grow its online presence, consider working with the professionals at Viral Solutions. We’re the experts in automated relationship marketing. Contact us today to learn more about how we’re helping small business owners realize their dreams.

Lindsey Perron

Queen of the Machine for Viral Solutions LLC

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“If a brand genuinely wants to make a social contribution, it should start with who they are, not what they do. For only when a brand has defined itself and its core values can it identify causes or social responsibility initiatives that are in alignment with its authentic brand story.” ~ Simon Mainwaring


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