Search engine optimization is just as important for mobile devices as it is for desktop users. After all, the amount of people using mobile devices to perform web searches has skyrocketed in the past few years, and there are a few differences in best practices for mobile SEO than standard SEO.
Here are some ways that you can better optimize your mobile sites for searches:
- Site design. Websites that have versions specifically for mobile users will get higher priority in mobile searches over websites that do not. Additionally, the quality of the design matters a lot. You will be punished if you use flash or pop ups. You will also be punished if you have links or buttons that are too close together. Basically, your site should be easy to use and navigate.
- Page speed. Page speed is more important on mobile than desktop because of the kinds of hardware involved. In addition to optimizing images on your site,
Text message marketing today does not have to be constrained to boring black and white text or the occasional URL link to an obscure web page. With MOBIT, your text messages automatically link to your mobile web pages created in your MOBIT account. When your unique link is clicked, your prospect is auto directed to your mobile campaign web page. you will want to minimize the amount of code being processed, reduce redirects to other URLs and more. The better your loading time, the better your rankings will be.
- Go local. If you have local elements to your business, then make sure that you’re following local search optimization practices. Keep your city and state in your metadata on your website and keep your name, address and phone number easily visible.
- Keep URLs, content and meta descriptions short. Remember, your users have a lot less screen space, so it’s important that you be concise with all of your titles, URLs and meta descriptions, as well as the content that you have on all of your pages.
- Don’t block certain web elements. You should never block images, Java or CSS. This used to be common in the past when mobile devices didn’t necessarily have the ability to support these features, but these days they just about all do, and you will be punished if you block them.
For more assistance in improving your search engine optimization on mobile devices, work with the skilled mobile marketers of Viral Solutions.
Copyright 2015 Viral Solutions LLC
by Thomas von Ahn | Chief Elephant Slayer