Authority Content Series: Getting Your Content the Recognition It Deserves


Getting Your Content the Recognition

So far in our authority content series, we have discussed what authority content is, how to create great content, how to leverage a smart content curation strategy to build authority and how to make connections on social media. Today, we wrap up the series by talking about other strategies you can use to get some important recognition so people truly see you as an authority figure in your field.


FEEL THE LOVE: One of the best ways to build authority is by getting recognition from the right types of sources. Leveraging the recognition you earn is an outstanding way to firmly position yourself as an online authority.

Let’s outline a few strategies to help you accomplish this.

Getting Your Content the Recognition It Deserves

Build up as many positive reviews and testimonials as you can

Positive testimonials and reviews on sites like Yelp, Google Reviews, Foursquare, Facebook and more don’t just let potential customers know you have a great product or service — they also make them more likely to trust the types of content you are producing.

You need to be proactive in asking for reviews if you are to actually build up a good collection of online reviews. Include a soft call to action for reviews in email newsletters, for example, as the people who are subscribed to your emails are most likely to be satisfied customers. You can also ask customers in various places on your website to leave reviews, including calls to action after they make a purchase.

Whatever strategy you use, it’s important to build up a good base of reviews so people trust your brand more innately.


Collect professional endorsements across a variety of channels

If potential customers see your work or your brand has been endorsed by other professionals in the field, they will be more likely to trust your brand and, by extension, the content you produce. Great examples of sites with easy endorsement features include LinkedIn, Angie’s List and Stik, but there are plenty of other sites that allow people you have worked with professionally to offer their endorsement of your work.

Become a source for information and content on other websites

One fantastic way to get more recognition for your content and your authority in your field is to become a trusted source for information on other blogs and websites. The very process of people coming to you for quotes or for information about a particular topic makes you an extremely trustworthy source.

There are several strategies you can use to start putting yourself out there as an available authority to be used in other content sources. You could begin inviting other authorities to create content on your site in the form of guest articles, or to contribute to content you are developing yourself via quotes or insider information. They would then be more likely to keep you in mind for future opportunities on their own site.

However it happens, the more places your name appears, the more people will begin to view you as a highly trusted authority in your field.

Promote any additional credentials you have that show your expertise

Do you have any certifications, designations or degrees you think your customers should know about? Feel free to promote these credentials! If the certifications are specific to you, you can put them in your bio and as part of your signature on any content you publish under your name on your website. If they are specific to your company, make sure they are visible on your home and “about” pages. These types of certifications help to position you as an authority in your industry, so it’s important people know about them!

Participate in online contests

There are a wide variety of opportunities for content creators to participate in online contests, in which they submit articles or other types of work for a chance to win certain awards. If you have award-winning content, then you should make sure your customers know about it, just like you would with any other credentials you have earned through training or education.

Becoming viewed as an authority in your field is not something that happens overnight. Like all aspects of content marketing, it takes planning, commitment and a high level of execution. However, the work is more than worth it once you finally achieve success; more authority means more visibility and more sales.

For more information about how you can work toward becoming a content authority, contact us at Viral Solutions.

Copyright 2017 Viral Solutions

Lindsey Perron

Queen of the Machine for Viral Solutions LLC

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“If a brand genuinely wants to make a social contribution, it should start with who they are, not what they do. For only when a brand has defined itself and its core values can it identify causes or social responsibility initiatives that are in alignment with its authentic brand story.” ~ Simon Mainwaring


customer value optimization specialist

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