5 Tips on Bringing Ethics into your Daily Routine


Knowing How To Approach Situations Helps Make Ethics Part of Everyday Life.

Being ethical – at work and away from the job – should not mean acting differently.   Attention to ethics is not something you turn on and off. For it to be meaningful, practicing ethics must be part of your everyday life. Here are five more ways to be ethical in your life.

Respect Organizational Resources.

All organizations need to create revenue and control costs in order to survive. Most must make a profit. Don’t turn a blind eye to misusing supplies and resources, leaving lights on, requesting overnight shipping unnecessarily and other actions that expend the resources of the company needlessly. If each employee, representative, or volunteer avoids using only $100 less per year, imagine the amount of money that your business could save and put to more productive use.

Say NO To Negativity.

Ever notice how some people always seem to gravitate toward negative behaviors? You know them – they’re the folks who say things like “It’ll never work” before they even consider how to make it work. They’re the ones ethicswho openly criticize the organization, spread rumors about co-workers, moan, complain and try to pull others into their “woe is me” funk. Well, don’t be one of them! Negativity is counterproductive. It erodes integrity and sometimes fosters illegal acts. Negativity is wrong. This makes it unethical. Avoid it yourself, and discourage it in others.

Make Sure The Mission Matters.

Know and follow your organization’s mission regardless of whether it appears in a formal written statement or a service promise on advertisements and brochures. Be about what the business says it is about. If you don’t have a clear understanding of what the mission is, ask! You have the responsibility to understand it. Your supervisor or manager has the responsibility to clearly describe it to you so you do understand it. This will help you become the most effective and productive employee possible.

Tame The Blame.

Assigning blame is a destructive action that causes defensiveness and shapes an environment in which co-workers become afraid to apply innovation, creativity and risk taking. One simple but effective method for taming blame in a group is to identify a code word. This word can then be used by everyone to tactfully point out when someone has slipped into blaming mode and needs to switch to problem solving. Don’t view the problem as being the issue that something wasn’t accomplished or was done wrong. That is simply a symptom. The real problem is WHY it was not accomplished or WHY it was done wrong. Taking action to solve the basic issue will show you are more interested in determining the root of problems, not simply blaming people.

Be Truthful.

Lying is often the gut-level defensive reaction to perceived danger. When you feel the desire to hide the truth, take time to jot down what you will get out of a trusting relationship versus the short-term gain you might get out of evading the truth. Lying begins a dangerous cycle that breaks down trust and encourages additional lying. The long-term impact on you and the business is never worth the short-term possible benefit.

Christine Kelly | Queen Bee & CEO | Viral Solutions LLC

Prior to joining Viral Solutions, Christine held executive leadership roles at some of the largest small business consulting firms in the USA. Her experience includes leading direct reports of over 130 remote sales agents who generated $38mm in annual revenue. She obtained her Marketing degree from British Columbia Institute of Technology. Bring her C-Suite experience to your small business. Although our company is virtual, and we can work with you wherever you are located, she is located in Denver, Colorado and owns a second home in Vancouver, BC Canada.

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