3 Challenges to Prepare for While Working at Home


So you are finally working from home. You are most likely enjoying the benefits; no commute, no office politics or annoying coworkers and not having to rush in the morning to get ready is really nice. All of these luxuries are wonderful, but are you being productive? You might think that working from home would be living the dream, and it can be, but there are challenges that you need to be prepared for in order to stay focused.

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Schedule for productivity

Now that you are working from home, you are probably thinking “I can set my own hours and work when I want.” ’s already hard enough to not be distracted at home, without a routine you might feel that it’s ok to drop work and go to the store, next thing you know you are doing the dishes or walking the dog and then five o’clock rolls around, and you haven’t gotten anything done.

Dress for success

Get out of those pajamas! It sounds awesome just to wake up and go to your desk still in your night clothes. Its comfortable yes, but as humans, our minds associate pajamas with sleep. Staying in your pajamas will keep you in the lounging around mindset causing you to be less productive. Get some regular clothes on, even just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt can put you in a work focused state of mind.

All by myself

Sometimes working from home can get lonely. You don’t get the normal social interactions that you would if you were at the office. For some people, this can lead to feelings of isolation. To get some quality office buddy time try Skype or Google Hangout to keep in touch with colleagues that you don’t get to see as often anymore. If you still live close to the old office grab a coffee or some lunch with one of your old office pals. It would do you some good to get out of the house every now and again.

Now you know the biggest challenges of working from home. Staying focused is the main idea. Figure out what works best for you and stick with it. Enjoy your new sense of freedom.

Copyright 2016 Viral Solutions LLC
by Rob Carpen

Rob Carpen

Rob is a content writer and editor, specializing in a variety of fields. He helps B2B and B2C clients with blogs, social media, press releases and web content that create more value for their marketing campaigns. He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Biology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He played Club Rugby at IUP for four years. He loves Rugby and recently attended the Rugby World Cup in Newcastle, England – New Zealand All Blacks v. Tonga Match. Rob is passionate about craft beer. He is transitioning his eight years of home brewing to earn his professional brewer certificate.

We help overwhelmed small business owners duplicate themselves – so business can be fun again.
Viral Solutions LLC is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner, an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant, a Google Partner – Certified in AdWords and a Mobit Certified Partner.

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