Another four years have past and the Summer Olympic Games are back. This time, they are in Brazil, Rio to be exact. A beautiful city full of culture, and a people who seem to love to celebrate! The heat of competition is in the air, history will be made and records are sure to be broken. But how many Americans are planning on watching this great event? In this article, we'll go over the stats.
There will be a number of people zoning out in front of the tube to watch some exciting Olympic Sports action this month. This year they are bringing back a truly amazing, fast pace, non-stop adrenaline filled sport to the competition; Rugby. Which in my biased opinion should increase the number of viewers. But back to the main point of the article. Recent polls show that about 17% of American adults(998 participants) will absolutely be watching the games and 32% are most likely to tune in.
Out of the 998 people surveyed, 485 of them are men, and 513 are women. Only 18% of the men are defiantly watching the games and 35% probably will. The women's stats are almost the same; 16% committed and 31% maybe viewers.
When it comes to age brackets the highest percentage of definite couch spectators are the 30 – 44-year-olds at 19%. As age increases the “for sure” watchers declines slightly but the numbers of “most likely's” go up. In the 45 – 64 age group 18% are committed to watch and 26% are probably going to. The 65 and older range will only have 15% definite viewers but 35% will most likely watch.
While looking at race demographics out of the total adults surveyed 699 are white, 124 are black, 116 are hispanic and 59 are of other race. 15% of whites will definitely be watching the games with 34% probably. 23% of blacks will be tuning in with 21% most likely to be. The hispanics show 27% of committed viewers while 32% of them said they would probably watch.
Looking at income ranges we find that the richest US adults are the most committed viewers with 24% of the 100K or more/year being definite viewers and 31% probably. But of course, they are the lowest percentage of Americans, of the total surveyed (124 out of 998). Falling in the middle are the 50 – 100 K/year group with 19% committed viewers and 29% of them most likely to watch. The largest group of the total surveyed (477 out of 998) make 50 K or less per year. Only 16% of this group plans to definitely watch the games and 34% probably will.
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