Why Blogging Is Important: Bringing in Leads & More


Getting noticed online can be a challenge. The digital space is becoming more competitive by the day, both in search engines and on social media. So, to attract visitors to your website, you need to find a way to stand out and deliver value. And that’s a big part of why blogging is important. 

Of course, this isn’t a new concept (not by a long shot). Chances are you’ve been encouraged to start producing blogs many times. But if you haven’t done it yet, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to bring in more leads and increase conversions.  

What the Data Says about the Value of Blogging

If you don’t have a blog on your site, it’s probably because you’re unconvinced that it’s worth the time and effort. In that case, get ready to change your mind.   

Here are just a few statistics that demonstrate the value of blogging: 

Of course, these numbers don’t explain why blogging is important. So, let’s take a deeper dive into what blogging can actually do for your business.

Why Blogging Is Important

Ultimately, blogging is a critical component of any content marketing strategy. Blogs play a crucial role in virtually every step of the customer journey. That includes building brand awareness, nurturing leads, and converting those leads into customers.  

Here’s how…

1. Blogs Drive Traffic to Your Website

Your website is the hub of your digital marketing. It’s your virtual showroom and the place where you conduct your online business. So, anything that drives visitors to your website will help your business grow.

This is where blogs come in and why blogging is important. Creating high-quality content optimized for search engines and geared toward your target audience will nudge potential customers to your site. The more traffic you receive, the greater your authority and the better your rankings. 

Here are some crucial elements that increase the likelihood of your blogs ranking well in search:

2. Blogs Bring in Leads and Drive Conversions

One of the top reasons blogging is so important as a digital marketing tool is that it drives leads and increases conversions. 


  1. An individual types in a question or problem they have in Google. 
  2. They see an article from your website in the results. 
  3. They click on your link based on the title and meta description. 
  4. They read the blog and find it valuable.
  5. They click on the CTA and take the next step.  

Of course, this is the ideal scenario. But it does demonstrate a clear path someone could take in engaging with your brand and eventually becoming a customer.   

Internal links and CTAs (calls to action) convince visitors to remain on your website longer, increasing opportunities for engagement. Plus, they are another way of showing search engines that your site has useful information, helping it rank higher in results.

By creating great blogs that feature relevant CTAs, you can move leads to the next stage on the road to conversion.

For example, depending on a blog’s subject matter, you can include a CTA for readers to sign up to get the following: 

When visitors provide their contact information in exchange for something else of value related to your blog, it shows genuine interest and allows you to market directly to them. 

3. Blogs Position Your Brand as an Industry Authority

Another reason why blogging is important is that it allows you to build your reputation as an authority in your area of expertise. Writing regular blogs with reliable and useful information will raise your company profile and improve the way people perceive your brand. 

A reputation is built over time, so it’s vital to publish regularly. You will develop a stronger brand, improve recognition, and establish authority by blogging consistently.

4. Blogs Develop Better Customer Relationships

Blogs provide value to customers between sales and encourage them to stay loyal to your brand. By blogging regularly and notifying your email subscribers and social media followers, your brand will remain fresh in your customers’ minds.  

But your blogs must be interesting to them, or they will likely send your emails to the spam box! 

To avoid this, you need to find out as much about their interests as possible. So, analyze the customer data to learn about their purchases and shopping habits. 

Here are some examples of how customer-focused blogs can help improve and maintain good relationships with clients: 

Blogging is important because it also shows that you value customers beyond just making a sale. 

5. Blogs Help with Inbound Marketing

Another reason why blogging is important is that it helps with inbound marketing. After all, inbound marketing is about creating valuable, problem-solving content to build strong relationships with leads and customers. This relies on strategies that focus marketing on consumer needs. 

Blogs are also a great way to get feedback from customers. You can simply add a form at the end of the blog asking readers for their questions, concerns, and ideas. This will show you value their opinions and are committed to improving your offerings for a better customer experience. Responding to complaints and suggestions will further nurture loyalty. 

6. Blogs Provide Content for Social Media

Creating quality blogs is a commitment because you need to do extensive research, and compelling writing takes time. But you can get more value from your blogs by reusing the content for other parts of your content marketing strategy. 

For example, you can break them up into smaller posts for social media. This is much easier when you’ve already organized your blog into meaningful self-contained sections with headings and subheadings. 

By splintering a blog, you can create captions and other content for informative and entertaining posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms. You can also use the blog content for video scripts and podcast talking points.

When you repurpose your blogs for social media, the content reaches a wider audience, attracts more website visitors, and encourages more engagement with your brand. As a bonus, you can spend less time thinking up original posts because the content is already available.


Blogs are essential to your content marketing strategy because they have the potential to engage people throughout the customer journey. Great content drives traffic to your website, allowing you to build relationships with prospects. 

Creating helpful, informative blogs can encourage leads to convert to paying customers. But it doesn’t stop there! Blogging also nurtures customer relationships and turns your customers into brand advocates. 

So, you now understand why blogging is important as a cornerstone of an effective content strategy. 

What’s next?

Well, you can’t just start a blog and assume it will get a lot of traffic right away. It can take a while to begin ranking in search. Plus, writing blogs to engage your audience and appease search engines requires a solid understanding of customer needs and specialized practice. At Viral Solutions, we have marketers, copywriters, and designers who can ensure your blogs get traction and earn you conversions. Start with a free audit to get the insight you need on your marketing as a whole.

Filed Under: Business Tips

About Caitie

Caitie's background as an editorial assistant, blog writer, and proofreader has served her well in her current position within our content department. She applies the skills she has acquired through training and hands-on experience daily, ensuring the quality of the content provided to clients.

In her role, Caitie is responsible for conducting research and producing various types of educational content and sales copy. She is committed to ensuring each piece is optimized for search and speaks to the client's target audience.

Caitie is passionate about learning and seeks every opportunity to further expand on her knowledge of marketing best practices. In addition to undergoing StoryBrand agency training, she has met the necessary requirements to become a DigitalMarketer Certified Content Marketing Specialist and Direct-Response Copywriting Specialist, as well as Yoast SEO Copywriting and Keyword Research certified.

During her free time, she enjoys reading, listening to podcasts, and spending time with loved ones.

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