SMO Series: Setting Up Your Social Media Profiles


Recently we kicked off a series about social media optimization (SMO), discussing what SMO is and how it has increased in importance over the last decade.

In this article we focus on the first steps of any SMO (social media optimization) campaign — getting your social media profiles set up for success.

Long before you post or share any content, you need to have set up your profile so it is easy for potential new followers to find and contains important information about your brand. Some elements of this are easy — you likely already have a logo or profile photo you can use, and should have already put work into designing a cover photo. But there are certain other aspects of setting up your profiles that could take some further consideration.

Create branded URLs for your profile that are consistent across networks

One of the first steps you will have to take when setting up a new social media account is choosing your username, which will be part of your social media page’s URL. Whenever possible, you should keep your username consistent across every channel to enhance brand recognition and keep things simple for people who follow you across multiple platforms.

If you find your brand name is not available on a particular platform, you should still try to stay as close to it as possible while still making it easy to market and remember.

The way you customize your URL differs across platforms:


Complete all profile fields on your social media pages

Once you have a custom URL for your company social media profile, the next step is to actually fill out the various fields in that profile with relevant, important information.

You should complete every relevant section under the “About” category, and go into as much detail as you think is necessary. Remember: the purpose of SMO is to get people to land on your social pages, so this could be the very first place prospects find your company and learn about it.

For this reason, you should think of your social media profiles as being a second website. Rather than copying and pasting content from your existing website, you should create entirely new content.

There are a couple reasons for this. First, duplicate content gets punished in search engine algorithms, so you could actually be doing more harm than good by putting that content out onto another platform. Search engines are now indexing content published on social media, so the more detailed you get (in an original way), the better.

Second, the experience you are aiming to provide on social media should be different (at least to an extent), even if the voice of the brand is the same. You may have found in your market research, for example, that the people who tend to interact with your brand on social media are of a slightly different general demographic than those who interact with your brand via email, telephone or live chat on your website. Your content should be adjusted accordingly.

In addition to providing some background about your company and what you do, you should include information on your social media page such as the services and products you offer, operating hours, locations, links to your website, ways to get in contact with your company and more.

Add calls to your action to encourage more engagement from prospects

Finally, before you begin creating and sharing content on your social media pages, you should take advantage of the call to action features many of these platforms have. Ultimately, the goal of your SMO campaign is to drive more conversions, and calls to action can help you accomplish that.

Facebook, for example, recently added a brand new call to action feature on top of the cover photo to help you create more engagement among your audience.

You can also write calls to action into your profile content under the “about” sections.

As you kick off your SMO campaign, make sure you put plenty of time into setting up your profile so you are preparing yourself for success rather than making the process harder on yourself than it needs to be.

Copyright Viral Solutions 2017

Marisa Fritzemeier




Angel of Innovative Artistry and Design for Viral Solutions LLC

Filed Under: Social Media

About Lindsey Perron

As Thomas’ daughter, Lindsey was introduced to the world of sales and marketing at an early age. Curious about what her dad did, Lindsey would jump at every opportunity to help and ride along on sales calls. Always quick to take charge and lead the group—a trait that has only grown with time—Lindsey was frequently told by her parents that she was destined to be a manager or CEO of some sort. While working toward earning her bachelor’s degree in human services from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Lindsey interned with the UW Office of Equality and Affirmative Action and served on several councils, which gave her the opportunity to develop her persuasive writing skills, researching skills, problem-solving skills, project management skills, and more. After working as the lead teacher of the 4-year-old room at the local daycare center, Lindsey decided to switch gears and join the Viral Solutions team. In her position, Lindsey is able to help clients think through an end goal and reverse engineer it into the steps needed to achieve it.

When she’s not working, Lindsey loves spending time with family, be it traveling somewhere together or just hanging out at home.

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