CRO Series: What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?


Over the next several weeks, we are going to spend some time going in-depth into the idea of conversion rate optimization (CRO), discussing best practices, important analytics, examples of successful strategies, and more.

But before we investigate these details of CRO, we will have a discussion about what CRO is on a general level, how it became such an important aspect of business, and the kinds of strategies and processes associated with it.


What is conversion rate optimization (CRO)?

At the most basic level, CRO is the practice of getting people to take some sort of action once they have landed on your website. The goal of any CRO system is to increase the percentage of visitors to your website who turn into paying customers (a process called conversion), or at least take some other sort of action, such as signing up for a newsletter.

There have been variations of CRO as long as there has been business, but the online version we are specifically referring to arose out of the dot-com boom in the early 2000s. When more businesses started building a presence on the internet and competition began to quickly increase online, there was a need for marketers to figure out more effective ways to reach their customers and create sales. This meant finding measurable ways to improve their marketing tactics and the overall user experience.

By 2007, the introduction of Google’s Website Optimizer had made CRO much more approachable for small business owners, who did not necessarily have the same technological savvy as many of their big-time competitors who could afford tech specialists.

CRO has obviously evolved a great deal over the last decade and a half. Strategies that worked in 2006 may no longer work today (and might in fact actually harm your CRO). But the general principles of CRO are timeless: give your customers the best online experience possible, and get them interested enough in what you have to offer that they will take the action you wish them to.

What are examples of strategies associated with CRO?

Here is a quick overview of some of the most common strategies associated with CRO. In the coming weeks, we will hit on some of these strategies in greater detail:


As a small business, you must commit to a steadfast focus on conversion rate optimization to get the most out of your online sales. Come back next week for more information about CRO and its best practices.

Thomas von Ahn

Chief Elephant Slayer for Viral Solutions LLC




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