Why Create Your Own MarTech Stack?


Are you looking to up your marketing campaign with some awesome new technology? Do you want the freedom to only pay for tools that best suit your company's needs or do you want to just go with a single provider? There are a few good reasons why you might want to build your own marketing technology arsenal.

Before we discuss the reasons why you should build your own MarTech Stack let us provide a definition of marketing technology stack. A marketing technology stack is a grouping of technologies that marketers leverage to conduct and improve their marketing activities. Often, the focus of marketing technologies is to make difficult processes easier, and to measure the impact of marketing activities and drive more efficient spending.“ ~ Optimizely. Author David Booth further defines marketing technology stack and its importance as “A marketing technology stack is the set of tools that your marketing team uses to plan, execute, and measure all aspects of your marketing objectives. With the explosion of new capabilities, vendors, and technologies in this space, it's more important than ever to carefully choose your components and build the stack that's right for your organization.”

In this article, we will discuss the reasons why you might want to build your own marketing technology stack (MarTech Stack) arsenal.

Strategic planning is an organization’s process of defining its direction and making decisions on allocating its various resources to pursue this strategy to achieve the company’s stated mission and vision. This service digs deep into your processes, systems and strategy. During your session, we make sure you have defined, rigidly and systematically, your perfect prospective customer. This definition must include the obvious demographics as well as the psycho-graphics. We then test your willpower to prove that your approach, tactics, messages and core offerings match what that perfect prospective customer is looking for. It is absolutely imperative that you understand and can articulate your plan, vision and position statement effectively and with fire in your gut. We help you accomplish this.

Single vendor solutions provide a large selection of technologies that offer answers to your marketing needs. However, more often than not their selection is too vast, and you end up eating the cost for tools that don't fit into your scheme. In fact, a new study released by Campaign Monitor in which they surveyed 500 marketers, found that 95 percent of them prefer using a stack of technologies rather than going with a single provider. They chose to create their own stack for that same reason, they don't want to pay for technology they won't use.

The obvious advantage of going with a single provider is the convenience of the one-stop shopping experience. This saves you a lot of time and effort and you only have one agency to deal with instead of several. But having a Do It Yourself attitude can save your company some cash and make your marketing campaign run smoother. Building your own marketing tech stack gives you the freedom to choose only the tools that you need. There is also the ability to purchase the best tools available instead of something mediocre. The build your own option can fit any budget, so if your company is just starting out this would be a great way to go. Invest in one thing at a time and as you grow you can add on.

There is one thing to look out for and you might have thought about this while reading the last paragraph. If you get too carried away with all this technology your tool box might overflow and become unorganized. Dealing with multiple solution providers can become a mess, so make sure you select only the tools that you will be using the most. This strategy will optimize the bang for your buck and decrease your stress level.

So when you are planning your marketing campaign remember the old adage: If you want something done right, just do it yourself. Your own custom stack will save your company money because you will only pay for what you need. You can build it to fit your budget and get the best tech out there. Then again, if you are not certain what is best for you, give us a call or write us here at Viral Solutions.

BONUS: Here is an example (by Marketing Stream of Surrey, BC) of a Marketing Technology Stack organized graphically.


Copyright 2016 Viral Solutions LLC

Prior to joining Viral Solutions, Christine held executive leadership roles at some of the largest small business consulting firms in the USA. Her experience includes leading direct reports of over 130 remote sales agents who generated $38mm in annual revenue. She obtained her Marketing degree from British Columbia Institute of Technology. Bring her C-Suite experience to your small business. Although our company is virtual, and we can work with you wherever you are located, she is located in Denver, Colorado and owns a second home in Vancouver, BC Canada.

Viral Solutions LLC is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner and an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant.

We help overwhelmed small business owners duplicate themselves – so business can be fun again.


Filed Under: Tools & Technology

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