Growing Beyond the Building: Church Live Stream


As COVID-19 rapidly affected our families and friends, businesses and schools had to make quick decisions to keep our communities safe. It boiled down to two choices: close altogether or operate remotely. Churches were faced with the same conclusion – and still are. Congregations are beginning to embrace the church live stream. However, churches are finding their fears of using technology to be largely unfounded and the benefits to the church's growth to be much more significant than they could have imagined.

Understanding the Benefits of Church Live Stream 

Enhanced Outreach

Imagine it's the first day of high school, and you're new to town. Everyone knows everyone, but you don't. Not only that, but the curriculum is entirely different. Knowing this, would you choose to go to school if given an option? Probably not. What if there's an alternative? You could attend online and get familiar with the classes, participate in chat groups if you'd like, and then have the option to start attending school in person once it didn't feel so foreign. Suddenly, the prospect of a new school isn't near as frightening. 

Many people never step foot in a church for fear of the unknown. In a world in search of answers now more than ever, a church live stream provides a broader opportunity for outreach than ever before. It doesn't mean that someone who first attends church online will forever do so. If you create a platform that invites fellowship, a desire to continue that relationship beyond that platform will follow. This has held over time for everything from pen pals to online dating. 

Church live stream is not a replacement for the church building; it's simply an outreached arm of the church body.

Increased Accessibility

A church building is restricted by its congregation's physical ability to attend. There are many reasons individuals may not be able to participate in a specific church location physically:

●     Geography. A dedicated church member may move beyond the geographic scope of the church's site. 

●     Vulnerability. Many people are able and willing to attend and participate but can't in a physical environment due to compromised immune systems. 

●     Mental Health Issues. Some individuals struggle with anxiety in crowds or social settings.

●     Family Concerns. An entire family may be unable to attend because of the risk or concern for another household member. Some fear emotional retributions from a spouse or other family member.

●     Transportation. Lack of transport or means to obtain transportation can be a hindrance for some. 

●     Fear. People who were once in church but haven't been in a while, or those who never attended, may fear judgment. Whether the reality of judgment is real or perceived, it can prevent many people from attending a physical church. 

Church leadership often fears dwindling attendance with the implementation of church live stream. The reverse is often the case. Church live stream can eliminate physical, social, and emotional obstacles and provide a safe space to worship or return to worship without fear of judgment.

But what about genuine participation and growth? Can church live streams result in disconnected congregations? 

Improved Connectivity

A physical church is limited by staff and logistics as to the hours it is accessible. People have the same limitations. An online environment eases those constraints and offers more opportunities for connectivity.

Small groups can meet online at whatever time suits the majority of the participants, even if that's early morning or late night. They don't have to decide on a centralized location or a time that won't interfere with another group's use of the space. Childcare concerns are minimized, and opportunity is maximized. The best connections and most remarkable spiritual growth often occur through the depth of scriptural study that happens in small groups.

The screen barrier can often serve more like a door, allowing people to open up and share more freely than they would in person. The physical barrier removes the social and emotional barrier and provides a deeper spiritual connection and ultimately a more holistically connected congregation. 

Resource Abundance

Church live stream allows for increased resource availability. Links to further study can be provided through chat during the service. Live question and answer sessions can be moderated following the service. Prayer needs can be shared and easily updated. The ease of distribution of resource options offers endless opportunities for additional study, outreach, and growth. 

Generous Giving

Churches need finances to function. This is true whether the presence is in-person, online, or both. A decrease in church giving has been one of many concerns for churches considering church live stream options. Churches faced significant financial setbacks when services were halted altogether, and much of the congregation could not work. Even churches that were early adopters of church live stream saw a decrease in giving. So, how do continued church live stream services affect giving long-term?

As church members resume employment, giving has and always will be proportional to the church's mission. If the church effectively communicates its mission and how giving contributes to that mission, giving will follow under the congregation's belief in the mission. Effective communication is critical, whether in a physical building or on a church live stream. Church live stream provides an opportunity for church growth. That growth combined with a strong vision and effective communication will take care of any church-giving concerns. 

It's All About the Message

Ultimately, whether received in-person or through a church live stream, reaching the widest audience with the message is more important than the method by which you do it. As long as the church is fulfilling its purposes of bringing more people into God's family, helping people grow and mature, training them to serve in the ministry, and putting them on a mission to love their neighbors for the glory of God's name, – the people will come. 

The goal is for the most significant number of people to hear the message, receive the message, and be about God's mission. Does your church need help with marketing to reach even more people? CLICK HERE.

Filed Under: Marketing by Industry

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