Building Confidence – One Day at a Time


Need some help with building – or just re-awakening your confidence?  A great way to start is by keeping a confidence diary.

You’re good at what you do.  You know it.  Sometimes in this world of “NO” it’s an easy thing to forget.

If you are surrounded by people who don’t acknowledge your talents, or if you just want a reason to “Feel Good”, start a confidence diary.  It is a smart tool to just remind yourself just how good you really are and what you have to be thankful for and pleased about in your life right now.

Either buy yourself a notebook or  diary and once a week for the next month, answer the following:

Put yourself first for the 10 minutes per week it takes, sit down and jot down your thoughts to:

1.   What have I got to be grateful for in my life right now?

2.   What am I happy about in my life right now?
3.   Why am I happy about these things?

4.   What did I accomplish last week?
5.   What am I excited about in my life right now?
6.   Who do I love and appreciate in my life? Who do I like hanging around? Why?
7.   Who loves and appreciates me for what I am?

Answer these questions at the start of each week and it will set you up for success.

If you need a booster midweek, answer them again.   Appreciate everything you have going for you, and be thankful.

Use this as a tool to help you focus,  feel centered and appreciated.

You are amazing!  Never forget that.

Christine Kelly | Queen Bee | Viral Solutions LLC

Prior to joining Viral Solutions, Christine held executive leadership roles at some of the largest small business consulting firms in the USA. Her experience includes leading direct reports of over 130 remote sales agents who generated $38mm in annual revenue. She obtained her Marketing degree from British Columbia Institute of Technology. Bring her C-Suite experience to your small business. Although our company is virtual, and we can work with you wherever you are located, she is located in Denver, Colorado and owns a second home in Vancouver, BC Canada.


Filed Under: Analytics

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