B2B Content Creation: 7 Mistakes That Lead to Boring Content


It’s no surprise that many businesses have a hard time with B2B content creation. There are a lot of misconceptions about how content geared toward other businesses should look, sound, and read. As a result, many companies end up producing content that misses the mark. 

Content marketing isn’t just about creating content that is relevant to your target audience. It’s about creating content that’s persuasive, valuable, and, most of all, captivating (i.e., far from boring). This is what allows you to grab the attention of potential customers, encourage them to learn more, and bring them deeper into your funnel.        

These days, B2B content creation is much more than giving a summary of specs and features. It’s a way of educating potential customers and explaining how your products or services can solve their problem. If you don’t approach it the right way, you’ll waste a lot of time crafting blogs, white papers, infographics, etc., that few people (if any) actually consume…  

7 Mistakes That Are Making Your B2B Content Boring

As mentioned above, it’s important to create content that captivates your audience. For some reason, one of the biggest misconceptions about B2B content creation is that anything produced with other businesses in mind will be, well, boring. All too often, businesses in the B2B sphere end up making costly mistakes that hurt their own efforts. 

Don’t fall into the same trap. 

It’s just as important to know how to avoid dull content as it is to know how to build a solid SEO strategy

So, let’s look at some mistakes you might be making when it comes to your content creation—specifically on the written side…

1) You’re Writing About Products, Not People

A big part of B2B content creation, especially at the MOFU (middle of funnel) and BOFU (bottom of funnel) level, is the promotion of products or services. However, rambling on and on about an offering isn’t what sells it. 

This is a common mistake committed by those who work in certain industries, such as those that involve a lot of technical information. 

Content marketing success hinges on your ability to hold the attention of your target audience. This is where creativity and storytelling comes in handy. A key tenet of content marketing is that your potential customer is the hero—not you or your offering.  

Instead of focusing on what your products or services can do, shift the perspective toward what people can do with them.

A tech tool you’re promoting might help people be more efficient with their job. Perhaps it makes operating machinery safer. Or maybe it can save time for managers.

Find your product’s unique value proposition and tell a story about what it’s like to use it. 

2) You’re Writing in a Flat, Uninteresting Way 

Boring content must be avoided at all costs. No one wants to read such content, and no one is going to waste time on it—not even someone who is looking for your product or service.

There’s a fear among B2B content writers about sounding too unprofessional. However, it’s that very mindset that is limiting their content marketing potential.

Let go of the idea that B2B content creation must be of a certain format or approach. Every industry is different, and every company should have its own personality. This is what helps set your brand apart from others. 

Professionalism in writing is not tied exclusively to the tone of voice used. Injecting humor or personality quirks won’t make you any less professional; in fact, it makes you more likeable and relatable.

3) You’re Focusing on Features, Not Benefits

Benefits sell; features don’t. 

This is one of the most important rules of content writing. Yet, many B2Bs still violate it.

Chances are you love the products or services you offer, but your readers might not share your enthusiasm. So, rather than boring them with a seemingly endless list of features, focus on the benefits. This goes back to the point about focusing on people, not products.

One of the best ways to highlight the people in your content is through the benefits. This makes your content actionable too. And when developing your content, how you present that benefit is just as crucial. Don’t just say your product can make someone’s job easy. That’s what content marketers refer to as a fake benefit. Instead, offer real value by demonstrating how the product can make their job easier. 

For example, if you’re writing about accounting software, discuss how it can automate time-consuming accounting processes like invoicing, expense tracking, and inventory management. That’s how your readers can truly benefit from the product’s features. 

4) You’re Writing to the General Public

Another common mistake businesses make regarding B2B content creation is not being specific enough. 

Even if your audience is business-minded, they’re still people. More importantly, they’re people with unique…

…and you need to speak directly to them—not the general population.

The best way to go about this is to develop customer avatars because it helps segment your audience so you can use the right approach for the right people. 

Don’t stretch yourself thin by attempting to target them all with a single piece of content. Your buyers must feel as though you’re speaking to them directly, that you understand their pain points, and that you can offer them the perfect solution to their problem. 

5) You’re Not Being Clear and Concise

What do white papers and business reports tend to have in common? 

They often have too much jargon and too many complex words that are only there to make the content sound “professional.” This is a common mistake in B2B content creation, and it’s counterproductive.  

You don’t need fancy, complex words to write like a professional or with authority. Credibility in writing does not equate to the use of big words. 

Good, professional writing that isn’t boring is easy to read and has a good flow. Don’t feel like you have to try too hard, and don’t make your audience work to understand what you write. Clear content is the way to go. 

6) You’re Trying to Get Clicks, Not Readers

Clickbait techniques are a major no-no when you’re writing for any audience. While it might get more eyes on your content, it only leads to disappointment and frustration when the viewers realize you baited them.

Failure to deliver on your promise to your audience can leave them with a negative impression of your company. The whole point of B2B content creation is to foster relationships and build credibility. Using clickbait techniques does the opposite.

7) You’re Producing Content That Isn’t Consumable

B2B content is a lot like food. If it doesn’t look good or “edible,” no one will want to eat it (or read it). That’s why you need to make sure your content is easy to consume. 

Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Remember that the easier it is for people to skim your content, the more likely they’ll be to read it fully or return to it later. 

Final Thoughts on B2B Content Creation

For so long, B2B content creation has been marred by boring, overly professional writing. By avoiding the mistakes above, you can take your content to the next level. More importantly, you can start producing content that potential customers will actually read and find valuable. 

Filed Under: Business Tips, Content Creation

About Caitie

Caitie's background as an editorial assistant, blog writer, and proofreader has served her well in her current position within our content department. She applies the skills she has acquired through training and hands-on experience daily, ensuring the quality of the content provided to clients.

In her role, Caitie is responsible for conducting research and producing various types of educational content and sales copy. She is committed to ensuring each piece is optimized for search and speaks to the client's target audience.

Caitie is passionate about learning and seeks every opportunity to further expand on her knowledge of marketing best practices. In addition to undergoing StoryBrand agency training, she has met the necessary requirements to become a DigitalMarketer Certified Content Marketing Specialist and Direct-Response Copywriting Specialist, as well as Yoast SEO Copywriting and Keyword Research certified.

During her free time, she enjoys reading, listening to podcasts, and spending time with loved ones.

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