Archives for December 2016

CRO Series: Creating a High-Quality Conversion Funnel


Welcome back to the fourth part of our five-part series on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Over the last several weeks we have discussed what exactly CRO is, how you can establish ideal buyer personas, and how you can better connect with those ideal customers. Today, we turn our attention to the types of methods you will use to actually create conversions.

A common example of how businesses create online conversions is what’s known as a conversion funnel. This funnel catches all of your targeted users that you are trying to attract and somehow encourages them to take an action, whether it is in the form of making a purchase or taking some other type of action that is beneficial to your company.

Here are some tips to help you create an engaging, user-focused conversion funnel your audience will appreciate:


Conversion Funnel


Conversion funnels are essential elements of any overall CRO campaign. While they do not necessarily directly create sales, they do create more customer engagement and loyalty, which is a key element of conversion rate optimization.

Next week, we will wrap up our CRO series with a discussion of CRO analytics and the types of tools you can use to track your success.

Thomas von Ahn

Thomas von Ahn

Chief Elephant Slayer for Viral Solutions LLC

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“Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful

men and women keep moving. They make mistakes but they

don’t quit.” — Conrad Hilton

Let's Chat! Set up an appointment with me HERE.


Filed Under: Analytics, Business Tips

CRO Series: Connecting With Your Ideal Customers


Welcome back to our five-part series focused on conversion rate optimization (CRO). Last time, we discussed how to develop a buyer persona: a sort of model of the ideal customer you would have at your business. Today we discuss the next step: actually reaching out and connecting with your target demographics to encourage them to make those purchase decisions.


It’s not just enough to know who your ideal customer is; you also need to understand how they think, and how you can connect with them.

This means performing plenty of research into your target demographics, which will affect everything from establishing a solid marketing plan to creating entirely new ideas for your company. CRO is all about making your marketing more effective and efficient, which means you must work to create true connections with your target audience.

Here is an overview of the steps you will need to take after clearly defining your target buyer personas.

Consider where your target audience can be reached

Where you find your target audience or the specific tools and channels you use to connect with them depends largely on their demographic information and trends, which you have already established in your buyer persona research. A younger, more tech-savvy audience is more likely to be reached via social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, for example, while an audience that skews slightly older might be best reached via television marketing, email or direct mail.

Always keep your customers in the loop

You can’t expect to connect with your target customers if you never actually make an effort to reach out to them. Keep your customers informed about the various goings on at your company, such as new product launches, new services, upcoming promotions, new content on your website and anything else that they may be interested in.

This, of course, isn’t to say that you should be flooding your customers’ inboxes or social media feeds. This type of communication should be performed in moderation to be truly effective, or else you run the risk of having your customers tune you out. But again, you need to at least engage in some form of regular communication to keep a strong connection with your target audience.

Ask for feedback about how you can better serve them

If you’re struggling to figure out how you can best connect with your customers, you can always ask your customers themselves. It might sound overly simplistic, but the truth is that polls, surveys and other similar outreach tactics can provide you with some excellent feedback and information that you wouldn’t otherwise receive. This type of feedback gives you a much stronger level of insight into your customers’ needs and interests. Most of the time, these surveys and polls are extremely easy to put together and provide you with near-instant results.

When you choose to use these strategies is really up to you. You could, for example, include a link to an online survey or review in automatically generated emails sent after each online purchase. You could also choose to ask customers who call in to your company if they would be willing to partake in a brief survey about their experience with your business. Whatever method you choose, you should make the process as quick and easy for customers as possible so they are more likely to respond.

Have a personality in your content that aligns with your buyer personas

Any content that you publish on your website, on your social media or any other online channels you have should have at least a little bit of personality to it. Your brand’s “voice” should be inviting and down to earth; a cold, professional tone might work for higher-end businesses or law firms, but if you’re in the world of retail, you need to relax a little bit if you want to be able to better connect with your target audience.

Again, the research you have already done to create your buyer personas should give you a good idea of the kind of language or communication that resonates with your ideal customer. The way you talk to a hip 20-something is probably going to be different than the way you talk to a 40-year-old mother with two or three children. You should keep this in mind whenever developing any content for your business.

Offer a little something extra

If you want to go the extra mile in connecting with your customers, you might consider offering special promotions or deals to people whom you have already identified as being a prime target. These may or may not be people who have already purchased from your company. Based on your buyer persona research and the way you have researched and organized your target lists, you should be able to determine what types of promotions have the most potential. These types of promotions truly help to create loyalty in your customers and make it far more likely that you will create more conversions.

These are just a few of the many factors you should take into consideration when looking to create better connections with your customers. The stronger the connection between brand and customers, the better your conversion rate optimization performance will be.

Thomas von Ahn

Thomas von Ahn

Chief Elephant Slayer for Viral Solutions LLC

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“Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful

men and women keep moving. They make mistakes but they

don’t quit.” — Conrad Hilton

Let's Chat! Set up an appointment with me HERE.


Filed Under: Analytics, Business Tips

CRO Series: Developing Buyer Personas for Your Business


Last week, we began a five-part series about conversion rate optimization (CRO) by providing a general outline of what exactly CRO is and its history and evolution in the world of marketing. We also provided some examples of strategies associated with CRO.

Today, we are going to begin discussing some of these strategies in depth, beginning with the very first step to any excellent CRO campaign: buyer persona research.


What are buyer personas?

A buyer persona is a general characterization of your ideal customer. Creating a concrete, tangible representation of your ideal customer helps you to better understand the kinds of messages that will resonate with them the most. By understanding your buyer personas, you are more likely to create successful products, share interesting and engaging content, and perform well in your customer service and retention. This makes the development of buyer personas the first step in successful CRO.

Buyer Personas

Creating a buyer persona takes a bit of research. You need to survey the right people about their interests, feelings, problems and pain points, while collecting demographic information as well. The amount of buyer personas you have will vary depending on the size of your company and the range of products or services you sell. You might just have one or two, or you could have a dozen or more.

Almost as important as the standard buyer persona is the “negative” persona. This is a representation of everything you do not want in a customer. Perhaps your negative persona falls outside of the demographic you want to target. Maybe they are too expensive to acquire, or already has advanced knowledge in a field in which you are targeting beginners.

How do I create buyer personas?

You can use surveys, interviews and other forms of research to get in touch with your taret audience to see who is more likely to be interested in your brand, product or service. Here are a few tactics you can use to gather the information needed to create accurate and effective buyer personas:


You cannot have outstanding conversion rate optimization without choosing the perfect customers to whom you gear your marketing. Begin by developing a buyer persona, and every step that follows will become significantly easier.

Contact us today at Viral Solutions for more information about creating buyer personas. Next week, we continue to discuss the best strategies for improving your CRO.

Thomas von AhnThomas von Ahn

Chief Elephant Slayer for Viral Solutions LLC

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“Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful

men and women keep moving. They make mistakes but they

don’t quit.” — Conrad Hilton

Let's Chat! Set up an appointment with me HERE.


Filed Under: Business Tips

CRO Series: What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?


Over the next several weeks, we are going to spend some time going in-depth into the idea of conversion rate optimization (CRO), discussing best practices, important analytics, examples of successful strategies, and more.

But before we investigate these details of CRO, we will have a discussion about what CRO is on a general level, how it became such an important aspect of business, and the kinds of strategies and processes associated with it.


What is conversion rate optimization (CRO)?

At the most basic level, CRO is the practice of getting people to take some sort of action once they have landed on your website. The goal of any CRO system is to increase the percentage of visitors to your website who turn into paying customers (a process called conversion), or at least take some other sort of action, such as signing up for a newsletter.

conversion rate optimization

There have been variations of CRO as long as there has been business, but the online version we are specifically referring to arose out of the dot-com boom in the early 2000s. When more businesses started building a presence on the internet and competition began to quickly increase online, there was a need for marketers to figure out more effective ways to reach their customers and create sales. This meant finding measurable ways to improve their marketing tactics and the overall user experience.

By 2007, the introduction of Google’s Website Optimizer had made CRO much more approachable for small business owners, who did not necessarily have the same technological savvy as many of their big-time competitors who could afford tech specialists.

CRO has obviously evolved a great deal over the last decade and a half. Strategies that worked in 2006 may no longer work today (and might in fact actually harm your CRO). But the general principles of CRO are timeless: give your customers the best online experience possible, and get them interested enough in what you have to offer that they will take the action you wish them to.

What are examples of strategies associated with CRO?

Here is a quick overview of some of the most common strategies associated with CRO. In the coming weeks, we will hit on some of these strategies in greater detail:

buyer persona


As a small business, you must commit to a steadfast focus on conversion rate optimization to get the most out of your online sales. Come back next week for more information about CRO and its best practices.

Thomas von Ahn

Thomas von Ahn

Chief Elephant Slayer for Viral Solutions LLC

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“Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful

men and women keep moving. They make mistakes but they

don’t quit.” — Conrad Hilton

Let's Chat! Set up an appointment with me HERE.


Filed Under: Business Tips

Must-Have Content Sections on Your eCommerce Site


If you are selling a product or service on your website, you need to employ a content marketing strategy that allows you to cut through the messaging put forth by your competition. But before you focus on creating regular blogs or determining the perfect AdWords advertisement, you must have certain generic information about your business on your main page that will convince people to purchase from you.

Here are examples of these must-have sections of content for your eCommerce site:


All of this content should be clearly visible on the main section of your site. For more tips about the basic forms of necessary content for an eCommerce site, contact us at Viral Solutions.

Lindsey Perron

 Lindsey Perron

Queen of the Machine for Viral Solutions LLC

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“If a brand genuinely wants to make a social contribution, it should start with who they are, not what they do. For only when a brand has defined itself and its core values can it identify causes or social responsibility initiatives that are in alignment with its authentic brand story.” ~ Simon Mainwaring


customer value optimization specialist

Filed Under: E-Commerce & Sales